The plan

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Arianna came to my room with breakfast as soon as I woke up. She looked so excited, and I could tell she had good news. She put the plate of eggs and bacon on the table next to my bed, and sat down.

"So," she said, ecstatic. " I found us a way out of here."

"You did?" I said, extremely happy.

She smiled. "I did. Just give me two days and we'll be out of here." I got up and gave her a hug. I haven't been this happy since Laurent came.

"Arianna, I just want to thank you for everything you're doing for me. I appreciate it so much."

She let go of me and patted my shoulder. "It's no problem at all. I've been trying to get out of here for months, but I never had enough motivation. Until now."

I gave her a smile. "Well, tell me about yourself. Why are you here? Where did you come from?"

I sat back on my bed and motioned for her to sit next to me. "I grew up in a small house near this hospital with my mom. She was bipolar and it eventually got out of hand. She was admitted to this hospital when I was only six." Tears started to fall from her eyes. "I didn't know any other family member so some of the people from the hospital took care of me. I started to work at the hospital when I was 18 so I could see my mom, but she had forgotten about me. I was devastated but I couldn't find anywhere else to work because I never went to school." She wiped her face. "So here I am now. 22 and I still haven't tried to go to school. That's why I want to get out of here. To start my life over again."

"Wow, I'm so sorry." I gave her a hug.

"It's not your fault, Larry." She said in a soft voice. She let go of me. "Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to need a day to figure out the night schedule. It's pretty laid back because no one really wants to leave this place anyways... except us." She said with a smile. "On the second day I'll hide in your room with a key then we can bust out of here. Got it?"

I smiled. "Got it."

Hi again! Sorry for the really short chapter, I've been having trouble writing this part of the plot, but I promise I will update as much as possible. Happy new year and thank you for the support!

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