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I woke up to Laurent sitting on the black chair next to my bed. He smiled when he saw that I was awake, his whole face illuminating even brighter.

"Good morning, my brother. How did you sleep?" Laurent asked.

"Pretty well." Still staring at him in awe.

"That's good." Laurent responded as if nothing weird was going on.

"So um," I said, afraid to continue. "How are you... Why are you... What are you?"

Laurent sat up in the chair and started to explain. "When the accident happened, I felt a stab in my chest and I couldn't move any part of my body. I heard you telling me to get up, but it was very distant, cloudy almost." He looked up at the ceiling, as if the accident was replaying above our heads. "It felt like I was lifted from my body, taken away from all the heartache and emotions on the earth. It was much more powerful than anything you'll ever feel on earth."

I took in his words, amazed. I put my right hand on the part of my chest where I felt pain the day of the accident. " I felt the pain too," I whispered. Laurent nodded.

"I was brought to this place I'm not able to even describe, it was too beautiful. But I was able to come back awhile... for you. Big Boss understands what you're going through, what mama and our siblings are going though." Laurent said with a sigh. "I'm sad it has to be this way though."

I started to cry. "I'm just glad I get to see you again."

I got out of bed and hugged my brother. He didn't feel any different from before the accident. The only difference was the gleam around his body.

I let go of him and stared at his face as he wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Larry, I just want you to know that I can't stay here forever. There will be a time where you will have to understand that I'm not going to be with you physically, but I will always be with you right here." He pointed to my heart. "One day we will be reunited forever, but I'm hoping, for your sake, that isn't anytime soon."

"I will try my best, I promise." I said to my brother. He started to smile again and this time I smiled too.

Laurent and I talked for hours until he had to leave. I was lonely again once he left, but I felt better when I remembered what he said about always being there with me.

That night I dreamed of Laurent at his greatest moments. When he danced he was so graceful, he made a story out of every song. He was the best dancer I've ever seen. I couldn't have a better brother.

That's when I realized letting him go is going to be harder than I thought.

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