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We were now in the car driving to Niall's parents house.

"Do you want to stop and get lunch?" He asked rubbing my hand that was intertwined with his and resting on his lap.

"Yeah. I am pretty hungry."  He pulled into the Nandos parking lot.

"You want your usual babe?" He asked and I nodded.

Honestly everyone needs a Niall in their lives. He has treated me like a princess these past 5 months. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Here you are princess." He said handing me my food.

"Thank you." He nodded and started driving again. I turned the radio on and Drag Me Down started playing. We laughed.

"I've got a fire for a heart I'm not scared of the dark." He sang with a mouth full of food. I laughed.

"Niall, honey you're supposed to chew your food before talking babe." He laughed.

"Yeah, well your not supposed to distract me while I'm driving." He said quickly glancing at me.

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything."

"You're too beautiful not to look at." I laughed.

"You're so cute Niall." I said poking his cheek.


"Alright! We are here!" He said excitedly

"Oh look there's mum." He said pointing as she walked out the door.

"Well don't just stay here. Go!" I said shoving me out of the car. I got out soon after

"Oh Niall. It's so good to see you again baby boy." I smiled at the cute moment.

"I missed you mum." He said kissing her cheek.

"Oh, mum this is my girlfriend Kelsey." He said pulling me up by them.

"Oh my. You are beautiful. It a sk nice to finally meet you. I remember when niall called me about 6 months ago. Saying how he meet this amazing girl on Twitter." He mum laughed and Niall turned red.

"Its really nice to meet you as well Mrs. Horan." I smiled

"Please. Call me Maura. Would you like to come help me dear. I could use an extra set of hands."

"Oh, yes of course."

"I'll take our bags up to my room." He said kissing my forehead.

"Thank you."

*Niall's pov*

I grabbed our bags out of the trunk and headed up to my old room.

"Uncle Ni!" I heard Theo squeal. I put the bags down and turned around.

"Theo!" I said as he ran into my arms.

"I missed you." He said and I smiled.

"I missed you too buddy."

"Are you staying here?" He asked looking over my shoulder and at our bags.

"Why is there two bags?" He asked.

"Oh, that's because I brought my girlfriend." I said smiling at him.

"Is she here?" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah, you wanna meet her?" He nodded

I quickly put the bags in my room and picked him up taking me into the kitchen.

"Lets scare her." I whispered to him and he nodded. We tiptoed into the kitchen right behind Kelsey.

"Boo!" Theo said poking her legs

"Oh my goodness you scared me." She said turning around to a giggling Theo.

"Hi. I'm Theo!" He said smiled and I smiled at how cute he was.

"Well, hi Theo. I'm Kelsey!" She said and he hugged her legs, aw.

"Theo do you and uncle niall wanna set the table?" Mum asked. I nodded taking the dishes to the table. Theo following with the silverware.

"Can I sit next to Kelsey?" He asked cutely.

"Sure buddy." He smiled and I sat down

"Niall can you help bring the food out?" Kelsey called.

"Yeah! Theo, stay right there." I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a dish


"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Greg said as we started eating.

" Its nice to meet you too." She answered.

"What do you do?" Mum asked.

"Oh, I work at Nandos. But, I'm looking for a better job." I smiled proud of her.

"Uncle Niall?" Theo asked

"Yeah bud." I asked looking at him.

"Do you love Kelsey?" I saw her freeze a bit. I smiled thinking that question over again.

"You know what bud? I think I do."


Probably one of my favorite chapters.

Question of the Chapter; what do you think she will say?


Life With Niall // sequel to Twitter DMsWhere stories live. Discover now