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5 Years Later

It has been 5 years since Kelsey got in the accident and was paralyzed. 5 years since Niall was caught cheating. Where are they now?

Kelsey found out about Niall's affair and was devastated. She spent the rest of her days in the hospital crying until she felt numb. Niall was determined to gain her love and trust back, he was still there everyday asking the nurses how she was. Never stepping a foot into her room until she was ready. About 6 months later she let Niall back in and they slowly worked their way back up. As soon as he heard that she still loved him, he drove to the nearest jeweler to buy an engagement ring. The day after he proposed to her in her hospital room. Through tears Kelsey said yes.

Kelsey continued to do physical therapy for a year then slowly regained her strength and she can finally walk again. After she was released from the hospital her and Niall continued their lives together. They bought a house and started planning their wedding. The boys where still very supported of both of them, never failing to not show them.  Maura ended up moving closer to the couple so she could be there to help whenever she needed to be. 

2 years after the accident they got married. They had a beautiful wedding in mid spring in Ireland. All the boys were there as the groomsmen, Theo was the ring bearer and Maura was Kelsey's Matron of Honor. They had all different kinds of food at the reception and even a special performance from Niall and the boys. Their first dance was something they would always treasure, for them it felt it was just the two of them. They felt like they could take on the world.

Soon after the wedding, they knew they wanted a family for themselves. The tried for so long, not always coming out the way they wanted. They went through infertility for a long and hard year and a half. When they found out that they were finally pregnant it was the happiest moments of their lives. Niall was ecstatic through the whole pregnancy, always making sure Kelsey was comfortable and not in pain. When they went in for their first ultrasound they found out that they were not only having 1 baby, they were having twins. The found out the genders around 5 months and decided to do a huge reveal party with family and friends. 

They had Greg fill up confetti blasters with pink or blue confetti. They gathered everyone around and Niall was jumping up and down ready to find out. Greg was beside Kelsey holding one, while Maura was besides Niall holding the other. One by one they popped the blasters as pink confetti surrounded them, overwhelmed with love and excitement Niall fell to his knees. Tears of joy coming out of his eyes, he stood up and hugged his wife lifting her into the air the best he could with her bump in between them. 

4 months later they welcomed their 2 beautiful baby girls into the world. Baby A, Noelia Kate Horan. Baby B, Juniper Ivy Horan. The moment they came into the world Niall and Kelsey were in awe, they have never felt this much love for such a small person. 

The twins are now 9 months and such a light in the Horan household. Juniper grew very close to her daddy the first couple months of her life. Noelia was very attached to her mommy. The two of them have been talking about having another kid and wondering when the time would be right to start trying. Don't get me wrong Niall is in complete and utter in love with his baby girls, he wants a boy to raise and teach him all the things life has to offer. 

On the twins' first birthday, Kelsey told Niall that she was in fact pregnant again. Happy, Niall kissed his wife and daughters. Wondering how life could ever get better. Soon after they went in to find out the gender of Horan baby 3, Niall was hoping for a boy but deep inside he had a strong feeling it was going to be a girl. As the doctor started the ultrasound, they immediately knew it was indeed another girl. Everly May Horan was wrapped around her father's finger.

Today Niall and Kelsey celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. Maura came to watch the kids giving them a night out. They walked through town hand in hand just enjoying each others company. They had everything they had ever wanted, they had each other and they had their baby girls. Everyone happy and healthy. Life with Niall was perfect 


Hello!!! I really hope you all have enjoyed this small series. I truly put all my heart into these two books despite everything. Thank you for all your constant support and letting me be able to put my stories online for people to read and enjoy. 

I love all of you so so so so so very much, i wouldn't be here without you all. Fell free to pm me whenever and read my other stories!

With all my love, Emma 

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