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Kelsey's POV

"The boys are here." Niall told me his face lighting up. He really does love his boys.

"I'm sorry about earlier Niall." I said. After I had a small meltdown we cancelled the rest of therapy.

"Don't worry about it baby. I know that we have to be patient." He said kissing my forehead.

"Niall!" 4 boys yelled and they all had unfamiliar voices.

"What are you boys doing here?" He asked hugging the boys of 5SOS who were coming to his party.

"Well Liam called us saying that your wonderful girlfriend wanted us to be here for your birthday." Luke said

Niall turned around looking as happy as ever. He came over to me and kissed me.

"I love you so much." He said kissing me again.

"I love you too." I smiled up at him

"Hi love." Liam said walking over to me and kissing my forehead as Niall went back over to other boys. 

"Here is your ring." He said handing me it to me and I smiled. 

"Thank you so much Liam." I said happy to have it back where I am able to see it. 

"Also thank you for bringing them here. Maybe he won't be so stressed." I sighed.

"He won't be done being stressed until you are out of here and you know it." Louis said walking over to join us.

"I know. Do you guys think you can take him back home he hasn't left and I can have Maura or one of you boys stay with me. He needs to rest." I suggested. The two boys looked between each other and nodded. 

"I'll take him and Liam can stay here with you so he won't freak out." Louis said as Harry came over to join us.

"Hey how was first day of therapy?" He asked sitting on the end of my bed.

"Not good." I said then Niall walked over. 

"Kelsey, this is Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael." He said pointing to the tall 4 boys. They waved and I smiled.

"We are gonna go get some food. I'll bring you back some alright?" He said and I nodded.

"Be safe please. I love you." I said, he nodded and kissed my forehead. 

"I love you too. Please keep an eye on her. I'm trusting you." He said eyeing the them, grabbing his keys then leaving.

Niall's POV

"So how have you been bud?" Ashton asked as I fired up the car.

"And, be honest. It's just us." Calum followed

"Honestly, I'm a mess. I feel broken, I look at her and it takes all of me not to cry. I know I need to be strong for her but I can't."

"Whipped." Michael coughed out.

"It's not called being whipped. It's called being in love."


yAy for new update!

Oh man I missed you guys! How have you all been? Please I wanna know. Thank you all for being so patient and not pestering me to update. Things have been so crazy here and I just couldn't find the time or I wasn't in the mood. 

Also head over to my message to see my Updating Schedule! Monday's I update this book and there will be no update tomorrow but if you wanna know when I update my two other stories then head over there and check it out.

I'm not sure if any of you have seen that I put up a new story! It is called Capturing Your Presence it is a Liam a.u story. I have been working on it for quite sometime now and i would really appreciate if you left some feedback because your guy's feedback does mean allot to me. If you have already read it then comment on here telling me what you guys think of it!

Thank you again for literally everything. I can't thank you all enough! Love you all from the bottom of my heart! 

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