n i n e

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Niall's pov

Today is our 8 month anniversary. 4 more months until we have been together for a year. Wow. I really wanna do something special for her. I have no idea what because I'm already planning something huge for her. 

"Mornin' darlin'." I say rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. 

"Morning sleepy head." She said running her hand through my messy and undone hair.

"Happy 8 months." She said kissing my jaw. 

"Can you believe that? 10 months ago I definitely did the right thing by following you." I said looking at her and she smiled.

"That was one of the best days of my life." She said squeezing me. 

"How many do you have?"  I teased laughing.

"Um, 4." She replied

"What are they?" I pressed curious. 

"Well, the day you followed me. The day that the boys followed me. The concert and the day you asked me to be your girlfriend." She said and I could see her starting to blush.

"I love you." I said smiling.

"I got you something." I said sitting up.

"You did?" She asked surprised.

"It's nothing big, don't worry." I said grabbing the ring box out of my dresser drawer. I handed it to her and her eyes widened. 

"Open it." I said nudging her a bit. I took her a while but she did. 

"I know what you are thinking and this is not a engagement ring." I paused and she let out a sigh of relief

"This a promise ring. It's a promise to you that I will stay faithful and that one day I do wanna make you my wife. Sometime in the near feature. This is my promise to you." I said looking her in the eyes. I looked away for a second to grab the ring. 

"And I want you to know how much I truly do love you." I said as I put the ring on her finger, and kissing her forehead.

"Niall, I'm just speechless. I mean I love you too." She said and you could tell that she really was speechless. 

"And I made reservations for us tonight." I said.

"Where? Nandos?" She joked and I laughed.

"No. The couch. We're just gonna do what we do best. Eat." I said and she laughed.

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled. 


"Hey! I'm back." I said walking into the house after running to the store to get  some essential food for tonight.

"I just finished the food as well." She said coming to greet me with a kiss. 

"It smells good." I said following her into the kitchen to put the bags down. 

"Here you go my love." She said handing me a plate full of pasta.

"Thank you darling." I said then sitting at the table.

"You like it?" I asked catching her look at the ring.

"Yes, it's gorgeous. Thank you so much." She said smiling.

"I'd do absolutely anything for you baby." I said smiling and she cracked one as well

"And I mean't every word this morning. I hope you know that." I said and she nodded. 

"One day princess. One day."


Yay! Okay you know how I told you in the last chapter that drama is coming up. Well it happens in the next chapter. Comment if you have an idea of what it is going to be! I wanna see if any of you can guess it! 

Also thank you sososososososososo much for 22k on Twitter Dms. I honestly do owe it all to you guys! Love you all!

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