s e v e n

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"Baby. Cmon, we need to start getting up and ready." Niall said kissing my forehead.

"How much time do we have until we leave?" I asked snuggling more into him. 

"Um, like 2 to 3 hours." He said kissing my head.

"Do we have to be there early?" I asked not wanting to get out of bed

"Maybe like 45 minutes early?" He said. 

"So can we sleep for another hour?" I asked he laughed but put his face in my neck.

"Is that a yes?" I asked laughing and I felt him nod

"Just set an alarm so we wake up." He said and I set an alarm for an hour


"Turn it off." Niall groaned waking me up. I grabbed my phone and turned it off.

"Do we honestly have to get up." I asked as I felt Niall's warm lips met my temple. 

"Yes, now come on. i'll make breakfast." He bribed and I got up lazily

"Get dressed and I'll let you know when it's ready." He said leaving a sweet kiss on my lips then going to start the food. 

I decided to take a shower then get ready. Once I was done I found Niall in his natural habitat

"You done already princess?" He asked looking at me as I jumped onto the counter

"Yep, and I'm hungry." I said and he shook his head while laughing.

"Here you go. Eat and I'll get ready." He said handing me my plate then going to our room. After I took a couple of bites Niall's phone started ringing.

"Will you get that for me babe?" He called before shutting the door. I walked over to it and saw that Harry was calling. 

"Hey Harry!"

"Oh, hi Kelsey. How are you?"

"I'm good! How are you?" 

"I'm good as well. Are you and Niall almost here?" 

"No, we haven't left yet. Niall said we would have enough time."

"As long as you are here in the next 30 minutes you will be." 

"Crap, okay. I'll go get Niall. Be there soon bye." I hung up and ran upstairs.

"Niall! We have to be there in 30 minutes." I said finding him in the bathroom.

"Harry called. He said we only had 30 minutes to get there to be on time." I said going into the room to find my shoes. Niall coming in afterwards.

"Okay of we leave now we can make it there by then. Come on babe." He said grabbing his keys and going out to the car.


"Hey! You guys made it!" Harry said greeting us as we walked into the studio.

"I didn't know we were starting early." Niall said then hugging his best friend.

"You look lovely today Kelsey." Harry said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Lou is waiting for you." Harry said then walked off and we headed towards the dressing room.

"Hi Lou." Niall said smiling and walked over to her.

"Hi salt. Hi Kelsey you look beautiful." She said sitting down and I smiled.

"Lux is over there if you wanna play with her." She said pointing to the little girl who was climbing all over Louis.

"Hi Lux, and Louis." I laughed sitting next to them.

"Ello love." Louis smiled as Lux showed me her new lip gloss. 

"Are you nervous?" He asked scooting closer. Louis was always like a brother to me. 

"Yeah." I said 

"Well if you are worried about what the fans are gonna say, don't. You can see that Niall really loves you and that's all that will matter." Louis said and i knew he was right. 

"You're right. Thank you Lou." I said smiling at him

"Okay boys, you're on!" Someone who cam rushing in said. 

"You ready Nialler?" Louis asked as we walked over to him. 

"Yeah. I'll see you when I'm done." Niall said kissing me then heading onto the stage.

"Would you like to go up closer? I'll be there with you." Lou asked and I nodded. 

"That would be nice." She took my hand and we were now in front of the stage.

"You can really tell that he loves you." Lou said nudging me and I smiled

"Louis told me the same thing actually." I said and we laughed.

"Please welcome One Direction!" The interviewer announced. The boys waved and the crowd screamed.

"Hi boys! How are you all?" The other interviewer asked. They all answered with a fine.

"So let's talk about your new album! Made In The A.M. Tell us about it." The male interviewer asked.

"Well, this album is completely for the fans. We want them to have this as we go on our 'hiatus'." Louis started

"It's basically a love song between us and them." Harry finished.

"Now, let's move on. Niall we have got allot of questions to ask you about Kelsey." The female interviewer asked and Niall smiled.

"Well, we got together about 5 months ago and I couldn't be happier." I smiled at his response 

"Tell me about how you met. I heard it was very interesting." He continued and Niall laughed.

"We met over twitter. Then about 2 months later i got her VIP passes to the concert in Dublin." Niall said smiling.

"Wow I bet that's every fans dream right." She said and the crowd screamed.

"She sure is lucky." 

"I think I'm the lucky one." He said turning to smile at me.


You guys! I am soooo sorry! But thank you all for 1k on this and 13k on Twitter DMs. this means the absolute world to me. update coming within the next week or two!

Life With Niall // sequel to Twitter DMsWhere stories live. Discover now