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Niall's Pov

"Do you want pizza for dinner princess?" I asked as she sat on the couch

"Sure." She said and I laid my head on her lap

"Well good because, it has already been ordered." I smiled and she laughed

"Of course it has." She smiled and started playing with my hair.

"Have I told you that I love you today?" I said smiling up at her 

"Probably like a hundred times already." She laughed

"Well that's because I mean it." I said and she smiled

"I love you too." She said and I smiled sitting up to kiss her. But the doorbell rang.

"Grr." I said going over to get it.

"Pizza delivery!" The girl said smiling.

"Wait, you're Niall Horan!" She freaked out and I chuckled.

"Why yes I am." I said signing the check.

"Could I get a picture real quick?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure of course, hold on. Hey babe?" I called Kelsey over 

"Yeah?" She asked smiling and the girl squealed.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are so cute together ever since you met I've always wanted you two to get together." She gushed

"Aw! Thank you so much. What did you need Niall?" 

"She wanted a picture so I was wondering if you would take the pizzas" I smiled sheepishly

"Sure!" She smiled at the girl then took the pizzas.

"You guys are really cute together and I wish you the best." The girl who's name was Julie said after we took the picture.

"Well that went well." She said handing me a plate with pizza on it. I nodded

"You know how much most of the fans love as they call Nelsey." I said using our ship name that the fans gave us. She laughed.

"Grab the pizzas and let's watch a movie." I said taking one box as she took the other one.

"What movie do you wanna watch darlin'." I said putting my clean arm around her.

"I always choose. How about you choose tonight babe." She said and then took a bite of pizza.

"Okay, How about The Visit?" I asked and I knew she regretted letting me choose.

"Um alright. I guess." She said and I clicked play.

Halfway through the movie she was getting freaked out. We finished the pizza about 15 minutes ago. I lifted her legs up and put them on my lap.

"Too scary for ya love?" I asked bringing her upper body towards me.

"Just a little bit." She said jumping as a scary scene came up.

"How about I turn the movie off and clean up. And you go get ready for bed." I said kissing her forehead as she got up.

"I love you my princess." I said squeezing her smaller frame.

"I love you too my prince." She said looking up at me. I kissed her and smiled.

"I'll be up soon." I said as she walked up the stairs.

Man, who knew that I would be able to find someone who I can truly say that I love. Kelsey is such an amazing girl and I most definitely want to spend the rest of my life with her. 


Here's just a cute short chapter for you guys! I finished my first notebook and I am so proud of myself. there is gonna be some drama coming I finally thought of some drama and i am planning on a third book so yay! gonna update sooooon


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