t w e l v e

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"Will she be able to walk again?" I asked nervous for the answer.

"There's a 50/50 possibility that she will. But for now she needs to go to physical therapy," I nodded

"She will go every day and you are welcome to stay with her everyday." He said patting my shoulder and walking away.

I sat on the floor and decided to call mum.



"Oh, Niall. What's wrong."

"Kelsey got into a crash."

"Oh my! Is she okay?"

"She's paralyzed from the waist down and there's a chance that she might not be able to walk again."

"Oh honey. Do you want me to come down baby boy?" 

"Please mum."

"I'm leaving now. I love you!" 

She hung up and I walked back in the room. 

"Mum is coming down." I said sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"Okay. Wait, oh no." She said and I got worried. 


"I'm gonna be in here for your birthday." She said and I realized that my birthday was next week.

"Baby. Don't worry about that. It's fine." I said pushing back her hair that was on her forehead.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded.

"Positive." I said as the doctor walked back in. 

"Okay. Kelsey your spine and neck got injured and caused from your waist down to be paralyzed. There is a 50/50 chance that you will be able to walk again. So to help you, you need to go to physical therapy for about 2 months everyday. You can take Niall with you , but if you want to get better you need to go," He paused.

"Make sure to eat, and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. If you need anything else let me know." He said walking out.

"Did you call the boys?" She asked yawning.

"Yes, they said that they would come tomorrow. How about you get some rest princess." I said rubbing her hand.

"Okay. Don't leave though." She said closing her eyes. 

"I'm never leaving you baby." 

"Oh, Niall." Mum walked in.

"Mum. How did you get down here so fast?" I asked walking over to her. 

"Kelsey brought me down as a surprise for your birthday." She said hugging me.

"She did?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah she is such an amazing girl Niall."

"Yeah. I'm so proud of everything she does. I just wish it was me this happened to. I wanna take her pain away." I cried. 

"You take her pain away just by being here with her Niall. You are her happiness and I can see it in her eyes."

"You are truly her prince charming Niall. She loves you very much." 


So are you guys a little relieved to know that she won't be paralyzed forever. I have sosososo much planned for this book. And i hear that there might be a third book!

I am putting up an One Direction Imagine book. It is just like my Liam one but it's all the boys! Please don't forget to ask some questions on my character ask. Or leave me some questions here. 

Question of the chapter: Are you guys enjoying the book? Do you think I should make the chapters longer?

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