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Kelsey's POV

Today is Niall's birthday and we just decided to pile everyone into my small hospital room.

"Louis you need to put it up higher." I explained as Louis' side of the Happy Birthday banner was drooping.

"Here just let me do it." Liam traded places with Louis and put it up perfectly.

"Thank you boys. I appreciate you all helping out Niall and I. I know it definitely means a lot of Niall, even though he really hasn't been here to say anything." I said putting up my hair

"Of course. I'm always happy to help." Louis said even though he doesnt always do anything, he is great company.

For the past 2 days Niall has basically been M.I.A. I am glad he went out and got some air, but it would be nice for him to come back so i know nothing bad has happened to him

"I'm sure he is alright. Has he texted you at all?" Harry asked pulling his phone out to check as well.

"We haven't heard from the others either. It's worrying me. I need him here for therapy I need his strength." I explained as my room door opened and Maura came in.

"Hi honey ready to go?" She asked pushing the wheelchair next to my bed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed as Liam helped me into it. I grabbed his hand before he walked away.

"Would you like to come you know moral support?" I asked just needing extra strength.

"Of course! Boys let me know if anything else happens." He said making sure to grab his phone as Maura pushed me out 

"So the doctor stopped me this morning He had taken another look at your x-rays and found out that you actually fully paralyzed so if you keep it up in therapy you could be walking in no time." Maura explained and I got very happy.

"Niall would be so relieved. I can't wait to tell him." I said looking at her as we got into the elevator. 

"Where is he I haven't seen him in a couple of days." Maura asked and I sighed

"I wish I knew. I'm glad he got out and all but It's been days and I wanted him to come today." I said as we got out of the elevator and towards the room.

"He should be here for this,"

Niall's POV

"Where's Kelsey?" I asked walking into her hospital room, which was decorated for my birthday.

"She's at therapy mate. You would've known that if you were here for the past 2 days." Louis said bitterly

"I didn't know she had therapy today."

"Just because your girlfriend is in the hospital disabled, doesn't mean you can go disappear and do crap for the fun of it." Louis went on snapping at me while Harry was typing away on his phone

"Why are you so mad I just went out for a couple of drinks." I explained

"You were gone for 2 days Niall. Leaving your mother worried sick. Giving your girlfriend anxiety when she needs you the most. I can't believe you Niall." Louis spat in my face. At least the don't know what really happened

"What do you mean what really happened." Harry said. Shoot I said that out loud

"Are you talking about that girl you hooked up with. Yeah the pictures are everywhere. you are so lucky she hasn't seen them." They know about it.

"You disgust me."


finally a new update. This is the last chapter that was written in my notebook so the other update is gonna take a while. Sorry for the long wait!

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