t h r e e

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*Niall's pov*

After I said that everyone waited for her to answer.

"Kelsey? Do you love him?" Theo asked her.

"I. Um. Excuse me." She got up quickly and ran off.

"Oh, no." Mum started standing up.

"I'll go find her." I said and she nodded. I got up and went to my room first.

"Princess?" I asked opening the door. I saw her sitting down in the bed looking down at her hands.

"I'm sorry. I." She said and I stopped her by sitting down next to her and grabbed her in my arms

"No princess. I'm sorry. I should've known you weren't ready." I said

"No niall. It's not that I'm not ready. I just wasn't expecting it. Then everyone wanted an answer and I froze." She said sighing.

"I shouldn't have said anything though. I didn't wanna pressure you." I said standing up.

"No. Niall. I." She froze again. I kneeled  in front if her while taking her hands in mine.

"You what my love?" I asked softly.

"I-I love you Niall." She said looking at me. I smiled widely.

"I love you too babe." I said kissing her hand.

"You mean it?" She asked looking at the ground. I squeezed her hand.

"Of course princess. I mean it with all my heart hun." She looked at me and smiled.

"I love you." I said kissing her.

"So incredibly much." I said kissing her forehead and she smiled.

"I love you too." She said and I smiled.

"How about I go talk to mum and we call it a night."


"Oh and I put your favorite one of my t-shirts in your bag so go ahead and wear that tonight."  I said walking to the door.

"Okay." She laughed. I walked back into the dining room. Mum looked up at me.

"Is she alright?" I nodded.

"Yeah. She's fine. I think we're gonna turn in for the night." She nodded.

"Alright. Tell her I said goodnight."

"Will do. Night guys." I waved and headed back. I found her already in bed. I quickly changed into some sweats, and laid down next to her.

"Mum says goodnight." She nods moving her head into my chest.

"Goodnight niall. I love you." She said kissing my jaw.

"Goodnight princess. I love you too." I said kissing her head.


Question of the Chapter; do you ship #Nelsey

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