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Hey guys it's definitely been a while and I would like to apologize.

I have been having some extreme writers block for this and have been struggling with some personal issues which is why I haven't updated or even touched the notebook for this story.

But the main reason why I am iffy about updating this is because Kelsey and I are no longer friends yes.

So I have come to you guys. I really wanted to make a third book for this but I do not see that as an option anymore. So I want to see what you guys want. Here are the options

1. I can just stop this story all together and no more updates

2. I can write about three or four more chapter and then an epilogue which will be the end of the story


3. I just continue this story to what I wanted and what you all wanted.

So there are the options I would love your help. Again I am so sorry for not updating again and for not even saying anything

Thank you all for the love and support you continue to give me and my stories.

I love you all


Life With Niall // sequel to Twitter DMsWhere stories live. Discover now