The Burger Bar

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I smiled to myself, looking in the full length mirror. I was wearing a knee length bright red skirt, which sinched in just below my bellybutton and then flared out to my mid thigh in a flirtacious, but not showing too much flesh kind of way. I was twinning this with a cropped top in sheer white, it was high neckline and didn't show any cleavage at all and allowed the valley of my breasts to become invisible.

I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my strappy little handbag which was bright green, I wore a dark green blazer and then my little green and blue and white striped sailer dollyshoes. Tying the whole haberdashery outfit together nicely.

I walked down the stairs a little nervous, I wore my hair in a halfuphalf down do with my curls bobbing around my shoulderblades. My hair had grown so much since Mum had last seen it, I'd always joked how she would walk back through the door wanting to plait my hair, after abandoning us both sixteen years ago. Dad hadn't found it that funny.

"Dad, howd'ya think I look?" I twirled as I reached the bottom of the stairs, and felt my stomach flip at his expression as my nerves dissipated. He was shocked, and angry. He hated it, brilliant!

I wasn't being a bitch, it was just common knowledge that when your parents got their fashion sense from eighties pop stars, that you should not trust anything they say about your clothes, and do the complete opposite.

"Its so short! I don't want you becoming one of 'those' girls now that you're a cheerleader" That made me laugh, I had thought exactly the same thing, but this getting dressed up to meet them thing, was indeed fun. I smiled, as my phone beeped. I was about to tell me Dad how he should stop wearing hawaiian floral shirts, and get with the times. Tees, blazers, and jeans were the 'shabang' now.

I'm outside. Red car, hurry up. G2g :D xx

"Persephone's here" He'd already told me this five time's since I came back from my try-out but he felt the need to say it ... one more time.

"And you know if you want to come home you can call me and I'll come get you?" I just laughed, I knew why he was being so paranoid. The only time I'd been out alone without him was for my 'partying' nights as he was trying to get me to socialise - he had no idea what 'socialising' equated to in the modern world.

"Yes okay, see you around nine. Ten at the latest" I winked as I ran out the door. I spotted her car and smiled, it was nothing flash but it was low to the ground and had a low grumbling noise. I had no idea about cars, but I seemed to recognise it. Most driving instuctors had similar cars to that one. Wise move for a first time car.

"Heya!" Persephone waved like I was a long lost friend and she was greeting me after missing me greatly after a long period of time. I opened the door careful not to scratch her paintwork which wasn't easy as she was pretty much making her car hug the wall at the front of my garden.

"Oh my God, you will not believe this! The football team from school are gonna be at the burger bar tonight too, which means that my ex is gonna be there!" I pitied her, even though I'd never had a relationship that lasted more than the time it took the song to end, i could imagine this would be highly awkward, especially if they didn't end on the best of terms. As most couple's didnt.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to?" I did really wanna go, I looked hot tonight and if their was an entire football team of potentially buff young men who was I to pass up the chance at major eye candy? But if I was trying to become best friends, I knew I'd have to be supportive and potentially make some sacrifices.

"Oh hunnie, quite the opposite. I'm gonna flirt until the cows go home, until the sun rises and he's gonna be more jealous than you'll have ever thought possible. Then he'll want me back" I nodded. The jalousy tactic, something I'd seen used many time's before in England. It was true that it could cause a man to ravenously come after you, but you could also look like a slut. Depended whether you cared more about the man or your own reputation.

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