Ball Games and Vintage Railways

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"So hows the quest for Quinne's heart going?" Persephone almost enjoyed talking to me about Quinn by now, I think. But mostly, she liked to interject everything I said with a snide comment or an insult towards him, which didn't really bother me. Quinn was a big boy, he could handle it himself.

"Um... I dunno if I'm still on that anymore, I mean I still fancy the pants off the guy, but I dunno" I did know, I wanted Quinn Foxe so bad it ignited a passion within me that could rival the heat of the sun during a solar flare, but likewise he'd made it pretty clear this morning what he thought of me.

"Tell me now, something must of happened to make you think that way, what changed your mind?" I hadn't said anything to her about the night before, or the fact that I'd slept in Quinne's bed, with him as I found out this morning. But in the end, it had been down to her that the whole escapade had occured. So maybe just maybe I could trust her with this.

I told her...everything. Including sleeping for roughtly eight hours wrapped in Quinne's protective arms, without him trying to put a single move on me, even when I woke up he just lay there breathing like it didn't matter that being that close to him made my heart beat like a jackrabbit and cause elephants to pirouette in my stomach.

"Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but I think he likes you more than he liked me!" The incredulousness in her voice grated on my nerves a little, I knew she was remarkably good looking, sexy, funny and talented, but she didn't have to rule out the possibility of me doing better than her in at least one aspect of my life.

"'d you figure that? He didn't do anything? He just lay there until I coughed to announce I was awake, then he left and I had to walk home. Hardly boyfriend material here Seph?" Seph was easier and quicker to say than Persephone all the time, and all the other cheerleader girls called her it anyway. So I might as well follow the trend.

"See you're just being negative. Think of it this way, all Quinn ever wants from girls is sex right?" I failed to see where she was going with this, she probably didn't believe nothing had happened between us. Some friend. "And yet he took you back to his house, which he didn't do until we'd been together three months" Shit! They were together that long? "Which shows that he doesn't see you like all the other sluts" She beamed her radiant smile, but I was clearly missing something.

"So its a good thing that he finds me sexually repulsive?" I raised one eyebrow in question. Was I missing something here?

"Are you mental? I saw his face when you were at that party last night, if that was repulsed then I'd love to see his face when he's aroused" She winked devilishly, and muttered a quick 'eugh'. Mostly to the fact that she did know what his aroused face looked like, and the thought of them two together turned my stomach to stone.

"You Persephone, are totally gross!" We were lined up in three's, with Persephone at the front with her golden pompoms to show she was the leader of the cheer squad. Even though her and I did the exact same routine but mirror images, she had to look slightly different, just so everybody knew.

"Don't lie and tell me you don't imagine his face at night when you're lying in bed?" I was shocked, was she a mind reader? How could she possibly know that? I never told anyone about my very explicit age innapropriate night dreams.

"Persephone!" All the other girls began listening into our conversation, and I hoped to God she wouldn't blurt his name and announce my crush to the world. I didn't need the other girls to spread shit around the school...I did wonder what Quinn would think of this though?

They were letting the schools big brass band play the opening school themetune, and it was nearing the end now. I could hear the trombone wailing tunelessly somewhere at the side of the pitch. We were hidden down the tunnel, about to announce in our new seasons unseen Cheer outfits. We hadn't even seen them until two hours ago.

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