Closing Time

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This party was so much fun!

I couldn't believe my luck, that as well as having met a really hot guy who actually liked me, I'd been stared at and danced with every worthy male from school, as well as getting the hottest teaching assistant who was in his thirties, and had a George Clooney air about him, to do a cancan. That made everyone laugh, and made all the girls look at me enviously. And it earned me another scowl from Quinn Foxe, the guy who positively never got jealous, according to Persephone.

The DJ was packing up his sound equipment and the music was off, having faded to a dull end note that was left ringing in my ears. Persephone was wasted, seriously wasted. So I had the fun job of carrying her back to her house which was three blocks away from school. Which certainly wasn't the best way to end a perfect night.

"How are you getting home?" Danny was lovely, and very charming. And if I didn't already have my sights set firmly on a certain blue haired blue eyed boy, then he would definitely be a close second in the quest for me affections. Except Quinn wasn't even trying to compete...yet.

I was wandering the carpark as cars disappeared. Scott was holding Persephone's hair back in the disabled toilets while she threw up. I was gonna have such a fun sleepover with her in that state. I hated sick. And I would probably have to clean hers up

"I'm walking my friend home, although I'm gonna suggest her mum picks us up. Because she's pretty wasted right now" I knew Persephone's mum wouldn't mind seeing her daughter drunk, as it didn't happen that often, and Persephone's mum was more like a bestfriend than a mum.

"Ha yeah head cheerleader girl gets very drunk, at every party. She certainly packs the booze away" That was slightly less charming, but I chose to overlook it because he had had a few beers and looked a little loose on his hips from the booze too. He wouldn't have said that if he was sober, I was sure of it.

Danny disappeared into a small mini car and drove away, he offered me a lift. But the idea of getting into a car with him driving, after the amount of alcohol he had soaked up, didn't fill me with confidence in his driving capabilities. In fact, it made me want to run in the opposite direction. Plus my Dad would kill me if I ended up in a cell all night because he got a drunk driving charge.

I was left waiting outside of the main doors, their were still a few people. I didn't know them though, and a couple of them didn't look like they were even at our school. They were easily in their mid to late twenties wearing black hooded jumpers, with prefatory looks on their faces. When Persephone showed her face, shaking, and a slight green colour on her skin, I was relieved. Even moreso when Scott followed behind her holding her upright from her armpits. Their sick was all under her chin and all over her pretty white dress. I knew she'd regret that in the morning.

But it probably wasn't as rare an occurence for her, compared to how rare it would be for me.

"Hey um... I know this is kinda sudden but would you mind if Persephone stayed mine? Just because her Mum text me earlier warning me that her Dads back home from work, and if he sees her in this state he'll flip his shit, trust me" I felt my stomach plummet, at first I panicked. My Dad would smell the booze on me! Then I calmed down, I didn't have sick on my dress, none of the photo's taken of me were over provocative, my hairspray had held my hair in place, and I wasn't even walking in a zigzag. So I wasn't drunk enough that he'd be angry at me... I hope. But I could probably sneak in anyway.

"No of course not, will you be able to drop me off home though, because I was supposed to be staying at hers?" He bit his bottom lip, still holding her upright, except now she was half singing half humming a song that I couldn't understand, the words unintelligable coming from her drunken lips.

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