Horses Hospital Appointment

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"Well what have we here then?" The nurse was smiley, and old. Her teeth looked like the sweetest of sugars had been corrupting them for years, and her breath smelled like mouldy lemons as she leaned closely into my face trying to look concerned, the bags under her eyes and her wrinkles showed she was older than the short skimpy uniform would have me believe. Gross!

Talk about mutton dressed as lamb!

I normally wouldn't have been so judgemental but I was in pain and it was making me angsty. Okay, so I would have been just as judgemental, but I wouldn't have thought so violently about it. Also, why did my nurse keep looking at me funny? Bet she was a lesbian or something, whatever she was, she stank.

"My horse bolted with me on her back, as I was giving her her daily excercise. She's not used to the snow see, anyway... I fell off her back and landed on my ankle, and it broke" The nurse raised her eyebrow in skepticism, causing me to grit my teeth. Cow.

"I doubt its broken dear, else you'd be screaming" I smiled sweetly and venemously spoke clearly into her face, glaring into her big old eyes. She wiped that smile off her face, I smiled again.

"Lets just wait for the Xray, where the 'real' doctors can make the judgement" She scowled at me and I waved as she walked away, nurses were supposed to care, not be so dismissive of my pain. It was her job for crying out loud.

"That was a bit mean" My Dad patted my head like I was some kind of dog, to which I responded to, by slapping his hand and causing a slanty face expression to show on his face, like when you text someone when you're annoyed.

"She should take me more seriously, I'm her patient. Its her blinking job to treat me with respect!" I wasn't kidding either, I'd been sat here for three quarters of an hour and seen what felt like hundreds of people going into the A&E department with bloody noses, and shoulders popped out of sockets. It seemed the louder you screamed, the quicker you got seen, I should lie on the floor and fake death. Maybe that would make my Xray results hurry the hell up, just leaving me here with my leg suspended in the air... Typical health service.


"Cant you go hurry them up or something, why does it take them so long? I could have it sent over from England in the same time its taken them to send it down a few poxy floors" I knew I sounded like a spoilt brattish bitch, but I am a spoilt brattish bitch. So I don't care.

"Oh honestly Zizi, do you not understand how infuriating it is when people always try to hurry you when your working?" I rolled my eyes, he obviously didn't understand how infuriating it was when people whose job it was to care about you, didn't pull out all the stops to make you well again. If he felt this kind of pain, then he would be bawling like a baby, it was just that physical and emotional pain were not easy things for me to show.

"Whatever, I'm going to get a drink" I stood up, grabbing a crutch which had been left carelessly upon the floor in the middle of the room, I leant on it heavily and half walked half hobbled my way to the drinks machine. I pressed the button B2 after looking at the many options. Mint hot chocolate with extra sugar. I had a sweet tooth.

I pulled the crutch along with me, trying hard not to spill my drink as it would surely scald my skin, and I wanted to avoid burning to go along with my broken foot. I sat heavily on a heater, first checking that it wasn't on, although I was sure that it was a legal requirement that it had to be on, old people were in this hospital and they'd die if they got cold. I'd research the laws on that later, then sue that nurse for bad practice.

Super cow.

I sighed as I sniffed in the tantalising scent. It smelled so good, like beyond good. Perfect. As it was about to touch my lips, I turned my head as I saw a pair of red converses come into my line of sight. I looked up, not expecting to see anyone particularly interesting.

I'd never been the kind of girl to take much notice in guys, most of them back home had been chavs or grease monkeys, and definitely not the kind of guy that would even come close to being my kind of boyfriend material, although most of the girls back home had called me picky.

"What are you looking at English?" I raised my eyebrows, how the hell could he tell I was English?

"You're aware you were talking to yourself about how good your hot chocolate was going to be?" He jumped a little, and landed next to me on the heater, how embarassing would it be for the both of us if the heater came off the wall and we landed in a heap on the floor? The thought made me scowl, and smile. How weird.

"You are aware that you listening in on conversations that don't include you, constitute's to stalking, especially now that your talking to me?" I smiled almost sweetly, and a low chuckle escaped his lips. While he immersed himself in talking I took a good long look at him. He had fluorescent dyed blue hair, and blue eyes to match. His hair was naturally blonde and could be seen at the roots, back home I would have said any guy dying his hair was gay... but he pulled it off pretty damn well. He was wearing a shirt with rolled up sleeves, it was a deep rich red and complimented his hair, he wore low hanging blue jeans which had rips in the knees and thighs revealing toned legs even though he wasn't an overly muscled kind of guy.

"Are you done checking me out?" I raised both my eyebrows as a light blush coated my lips, I hadn't been checking him out, just mildly entertaining the idea that he might be the best looking boy I had ever seen. He smiled cockily.

"Oh, so your one of those guys?" He fained hurt like it had been an insult, which it was. I hated arrogance, it was just one huge annoyance. What a shame that the only good looking guy was one of those up-themselve's types.

"What kind of guy is that, super hot, intelligent irrisestable kinds?" I let out a long drawn out sigh and then placed one hand on his shoulder, almost making me lose my balance. Their had been a couple incidents back home where I'd been drunk at parties and had done some (almost) regrettable things with the more athletic of the grease monkeys. It hadn't been all bad back home.

So it wasn't anything new to me to be placing my hands on a boy I barely knew.

"The arrogant, stuck up type who thinks the sun shine's out of his ass" I blinked a few times, batting my eyelashes which were long and framed my eyes in a dark line. He seemed to be looking at me differently, and then a genuine smile played at the corners of his mouth. If a hint of his smile could make my stomach flutter like it was full of ballroom dancing elephants, then I wondered what it would be like to see him smile for real.

"Miss Madrena?" The nasty nurse called my name, and I sighed in annoyance at the fact that I'd wasted all my time when I could have been drinking my chocolate, with talking to this guy. Who was he anyway?

"Seems like you'll have to leave this with me" He took my styrofoam cup from my hand and I scowled at him, I'd payed for that and he'd just taken my pleasure from me. I glared at the nurse as I went around the corner on my one crutch leaving him to drink my drink.


Big ass jerk!

~Authors note!~

Heya guys, what do you think of this blue eyed blue haired converse wearing hottie? I know he doesn't look stereotypical or anything, but its his uniqueness that makes him look so good. That is a bit of a spoiler though - so I'll shut up! :)

Anything you want answered, questions and comments are more than welcome and I would love to hear from you!! :D <3 xxxx Happy wattpadding :)

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