Date Night

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I smiled at my reflection one final time before I opened my bedroom door and made my way towards the stairs. I didn't know how Persephone had managed it, but she'd turned my sophomore prom dress which Dad had chosen for me (Lord help me) and created a rouched, sparkling mona lisa of it.

The applique black sequined flowers from her dress had been applied to the bodess of the red dress which had a toulle skirt which had once fallen lifelessly to the floor, but now after some masterful work from Persephone queen of the sewing machine, I had a dress that trailed behind me slightly and was shorter at the back, I was amazed by how fast she'd managed to do that hemming, impressive was not even the word. Persephone was smiling as I reached the bottom step, and Quinne's eyes immediately homed onto me.

"Well well well who knew you scrubbed up that well huh Zeeze?" I scowled at Scott who was smiling evilly at me and mwa ha ha-ing from the other side of the room like an evil dark master. I jumped the last step ungracefully, ruining the illusion of being a delicate flower in my precious jewellery and soft makeup. I grabbed the big cushion and threw it at Scott, it collided with his face and he cowered as if I was beating him.

"Your a douche Scott!" He kept on laughing as I continually hit his shoulder with my bare fists which were balled up, I hope I gave him bruises. Didn't the boy knew he couldn't insult my looks, even in a jokey way around my god damn boyfriend! Was he trying to get Quinn to realise I was ugly?

"Do they always do that?" I heard Quinn say to Persephone, I hadn't yet seen them speak amicably and I scowled at the window as I beat my anger out on Scott who was beginning to defend like a trained ninja. Darting around the furniture as I tailed him.

"Yep, all the time. They bicker like an old married couple too" I could almost feel the sudden scowl that Persephone received from Quinn for making such a remark, so I decided now was the time to leave. Before Quinn made a remark which would cause them to fight...I hated picking sides when they fell out, it was such a pain to be faced with a dividing line.

Talk about bickering like old married couples - they were WAY worse than Scott and I! At least ours was only playfighting, sometimes I was afraid a physical fight would break out the second I left those two alone in a room together. Hypocrites.

"I think its time we got in the car" I smiled, thankful that my Dad had gone to a house across the county to babysit some old ladies horse while she was in hospital meaning that I could stay out for the whole night and he'd never know. And just in case anything bad happened to the horses back home, Persephone and Scott were staying at mine.

Nothing could go wrong.

Quinn led me outdoors and I was shocked to see that there was no puma like sleek black automobile parked outside on my drive. I knew my face was a big painted questionmark when I turned to him, unable to see his vehicle. He smirked.

"I parked around the side by the stables, you know keeping it inconspicuous" I nodded laughing, he'd never bothered to do that before when he'd come to my house. Then again, he also hadn't been wearing braces, a white shirt, red tie and black dinner jacket before either. He looked so good, I didn't know why I hadn't noticed it earlier.

Maybe it was because I was distracted beating the crap into monkey boy back there. Yeah, that was probably it!

"You look really nice by the way" I smiled at him knowing my compliment was totally lame even by my standards, I could have used any word that would have made me sound cool and confident and not like some love pining teenager whose heart was ready to jump out of her chest because she was going to her first proper date. I could have said; hot, handsome, lush, even sexy, but not... nice. That was so boring.

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