The Elephant And The Ballerina

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It was a typical day in Canada, the day was cold and icy and the wind blew fiercely into the crevice where Zizi sat on her bum in the snow. She was wearing a pair of tight leggings made for her when she went riding, and she was perched on her heels with the Wellington boots digging into her thighs.  

She was riding her horse around the field when she'd fallen from his back and watched as he cantered off in the direction of his stable, leaving her on the floor crumpled up in the snow. She felt like her knee had been popped out of its socket.  

"You treacherous git!" Zizi yelled at her horse as his backside retreated into the warmth of the stables. She huffed in short rasping breaths trying to deal with the pain in her knee.  

She cursed that she hadn't brought her phone with her, being careless again she thought... Typical me.  

She limped her way across the field, cursing all the way. She swore to God that unless her horse started to behave, she'd refuse to ride the bugger. He'd been mightily stubborn since we'd moved from England, and my father thought it was because he didn't like the snow.  

She reached the barn door and locked it with the bolt, she wouldn't be letting him escape, that would be too much hassle for one horse. 

"Dad, the devil horse knocked me off!" She banged the walls of the wooden house the whole way around the side as she leaned on it heavily and made her way around to the front door. He was there waiting for her when she appeared at the front of the door. He raised one eyebrow and placed his hand on his hip, she smiled at his campness. She always teased him for looking like Louie Spence when he did that. He stuck his tongue out at her reading her mind from her expression.  

"And for your information that horse is a saint" Zizi grumbled in reply and gestured to her leg which had a huge bump which made it impossible for her to stand on it. He winced and rolled his eyes, as much as he loved his daughter she did tend to overreact.  

"Tis but a scratch lass" Another thing, Zizi's father had a broad Scittish accent to match his enormous size, with large blue eyes and shoulderlength brown hair that he held up into a ponytail at the base of his neck.  

"That blasted horse is unridable at this moment in time!" She tried to walk on her keg, but her knee buckled and she cried out in pain. Concern shone in her fathers eyes as he grabbed her falling form, he heard her curse words but ignored them, hoping she'd stop soon. 

"Are you okay, do you need to go hospital?" She scowled at her father and thought in her head, no duh! 

"Well aren't you a genius?" He scowled right back, and saw a resemblance to her mother whose eyes he hadn't seen in a very long time. Since she'd deserted them sixteen years ago.  

"Well, isn't someone a sarcastic ninny when she's in pain" He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the car, he believed in being calm and collected in everything he did, other than meeting his daughters potential boyfriend, and then making sure their potential was well and truly crushed.  

They drove to the hospital with her moaning about the pain she was in the whole way there, he just rolled his eyes and turned the radio up, he did care about her but hospitals creeped him out and he had to keep his eyes on the ball. There was no point in worrying about her yet, the number of times shed injured herself he'd grown used to trips to the hospital.  

She really was the clumsiest girl he'd ever met...

~Authors Note~  

Hey this is Sam, I am the author of this book! Hehe, I've never really done a book with proper authors notes at the bottom but I am gonna update and things and I'd love to hear people's opinions and where they think the book should go because I think interaction is important!  

This beginning was written without spell check because this ipad is on American settings, and I'd be murdered if I changed it! :O  

So sorry for grammatical and spelling errors! Point them out and tell me what you think and whether you wanna stick with the story. I'm probably gonna edit and change this a bit so check back in a couple days guys!  

Thanks for giving it a try! :D x xx x x

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