Chapter 2 - Beginning

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My Christmas gift to you guys is a new chapter yayyyy, pls enjoy.



When I exit the halted train and see my home, there is no way to express how I feel in words.

There are workers all around the place, cleaning up the demolished land. They're all packing up for the day, since the sun is going down in the distance. I can see very few familiar faces within the groups of people, they're all wheeling out debris with wheelbarrows. It looks like they've worked on it for awhile, but they only have this edge of town finished.  The Bakery is on the other side of town. There's big and small tents set up near the train station, people walk in and out of them. This small part of the District is full of all these people while the rest of the District is still empty.
At first I just stare at the emptiness, and panic flashes across my mind, I suddenly wonder if there's even anywhere to go, or if I made a huge mistake coming here. Then I remember that Dr. Aurelius informed me about the Victor's Village being left untouched, so I make my way around the construction right next to the forest towards that direction.

I'm walking just outside the woods, unable to pry my eyes away from the terrible sight. An ugly guilt weighs itself on me the longer I stare. I finally manage to look away when I'm coming up to the Victors Village. Instead I look at the trees, the grass, and the flowers. Then I see it, a particular flower that seeps even more dread and unease into me, an evening primrose.

I sulk past it and pass through the Victors Village entrance. I think about visiting Katniss but the sun is already down. It's pretty late, I don't know if she's up or would want to see me knocking on her door. I have this incredibly strong urge to see her but everything else screams no. I can see the lights in her house are off, and same with Haymitch's house across from it. I walk to the house next to hers, the same house I lived in for such a short amount of time after the first Games.

I left the door unlocked last time I left. I remember that my family never chose to move in with me, they wanted to stay at the bakery, but they did choose to use the wealth I'd won. So I was here alone, as I am now. Although there is a difference this time, there's no family and no bakery. Same house, different Peeta. I set the bag of complicated medications on the kitchen counter, and it makes a loud thumping noise that really intensifies the silence and emptiness of this house.

I lay in the same bed as I had before, stare at the same ceiling, and even think the same thoughts. Definitely not in the same way, but I'm still thinking about death, loneliness, recent traumas, and Katniss. Then there's tracker jacker venom to make it all worse.

Katniss has been here for almost as long as I've been in the Capitol for mental health rehabilitation. It's been months, there's barely anyone here, the whole place is still in ashes, everyone thinks she's a crazy maniac and Dr. Aurelius said that she hasn't been answering his calls. I can't seem to shake off the constant worry.
I wish there was something I could do, is there anything I could do for her? I think of the primroses on the edges of the woods. What if I planted them around the houses as a memorial for Prim?

It seems like a nice thing to do, very respectful and appreciative. Katniss risked so much to protect this innocent little girl and it should mean something in the end, there should be at least some admiration.


In the morning, I borrow an unused wheelbarrow from the workers, they don't notice. Then I get some gardening tools from a small shed that I found connected to the house. I gently shovel out the bushes with primroses, and wheel them over to the Victors Village. As I shovel up dirt and plant them under the windows of Katniss's house, I think of my dream last night.

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