Chapter 5 - Whispers

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I'm stumbling around the streets of the Capitol.  Hundreds of mutilated bodies of citizens are sprawled are out among every block. No matter how messed up they are, the heads still turn and stare at me when I pass by them. The look in their eyes shoot pure guilt into my soul. Every step I take a screechy whisper is uttered into my ear.

This should've been you.

This is because of you.

Why did you do this Peeta?

Why did you do this to us?

"Where's Katniss?" I ask them.
They hiss at me, one of them near my feet slowly rises up. I back away from them, and stare at them in their freaky undead eyes.

"Where is Katniss?" I ask them again.

A piercing scream comes from behind me. I swing around and see a crouched body with a dark braid in the middle of all the dead ones.

"Katniss!" I call out.

I race over to her, my hand grabs her shoulder, but when she turns around, her face is dripping with blood, she bares sharp fangs at me as if she were some deadly creature. Before I can say anything else, she leaps onto me with only the look of death in her eyes.

When my eyes open abruptly, I see A pair of eyes staring at me with concern, it's Katniss. Her body is cuddled up next to mine, her head was under my arm, but now it's lifted up and looking at me. How long was she watching me? It takes a moment for me to figure out where I am and what happened. It was just a dream.

Katniss blinks at me, her face is contorted with worry.

"Are you okay?" She asks. "Your heart is beating really fast."

I exhale a few pent up breathes out of my nose.

"I'm fine."

She doesn't look convinced.

"Peeta, if something's bothering you, just tell me, I'm here for you."

"No, really. I'm fine. I just... forgot that I wasn't in the same bedroom as before."

She blinks at me again, with the same eyes she had in my nightmare. I don't want to tell her she was the one haunting me, or force any of my burdens onto her when she has her own to deal with.

The important thing is that she's here with me. She's here and she loves me. She actually loves me.

She loves me.
I rewind that moment last night in my mind. I was completely drowned in relief, and joy. She loves me, I love her, and now we both know it. We care for each other, and we protect each other. No more confusion, no more awkwardness, but how did I have such a nightmare when she was here with me?

My mind wonders off to an array of possible answers, but it's pointless, I always have nightmares, but there was something about the quality about that one that made it so... strange. After I make breakfast, we eat, and Katniss goes off to the woods, I go back to my house. Before she left, Katniss gave me a light peck on the cheek, she offered for me to go with her, but I declined, I'm no hunter. When she walks out the door with a bit of a side-smile, I know that I've accomplished something. She already looks better than she did when I first saw her when I came back from the Capitol.

As soon as I walk through my back door, I know what I did wrong. I forgot to take my meds yesterday morning and last night. I remember Dr. Aurelius telling me that it was important I stay on the routine, because each day I need to have a certain amount of the medications in my system so it can help control the venom that might still be there, as well as its effects, at least until I think I can control it, if I ever can. He tried to explain how the hijacking medications can be dangerous if the amount isn't properly balanced. It was just one day, I'm supposed to take them every other day, if I missed one day, and the day before was the day I skipped it, then it should be completely out of  my system, so just taking one right now shouldn't make that much of a difference.

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