I Have An Arranged Marrige To Liam Payne. Great...

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~Zayn's P.O.V~ ( after the call ended )

As soon as the line ended I called our other bestie, Neve. 

Neve, Klohe and I.... We haven't talked in.....two years..... So I wonder how this phone call is going to work out..


Rin- That was fast.. I thought

"Hello?" Her voice rang through the phone.

"Hey Neve." My voice shaky.

"Zayn? What's wrong? It's been two years..."

"It's Klohe..."

"Klohe? What happen to Klohe?"

"Well....." Then I told her everything. From when Klohe called me up until right now.

"Ohmigosh. Okay. Zayn, do you know where she is other than Wolverhampton?"

"No, uhg!" I yelled frustrated.

"Zayn calm down.. Come pick me up and we will drive around Wolverhampton... Just I don't know.. Come get me..." I could tell she was frustrated also.

"Okay. Bye."


Beep beep beep 'call ended'. 

~Liam's P.O.V~ ( before she blacked out ) 

I can't.... I'm a horrible person. I put my hand down and walked out. I went down stairs and sat on the couch. I out me head in my hands and sighed heavily. I eventually fell asleep...

-------30 mins later

I woke up to a silent house.. What is Klohe doing? Walking upstairs to our room I found Klohe on the floor. Rolling my eyes I shook her.

"Klohe?" Shake

"Klohe common babe wake up" Shake

"Klohe?" Panic filled my voice. Oh god oh god!

I picked her up bridal style and carried her out to the car.. As I was setting her in the seat, a car pulled up.

"Aye man." A guy said. I looked up to see a boy my age standing behind his door, arm rested on the top.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Are you Liam?"

"Uh yeah.. How do you know my name?" This is creepy..

"That doesn't matter.... Is that Klohe in there?" He asked... How did he know Klohe.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Take her to the hospital. Now! We will follow behind you!"

I nodded and got in the car and drove to the nearest hospital.


Once we got her in the room and Klohe was hooked up to numerous machines. The guy and the girl, who I presume was in his car, were on each side of her bed....crying...

"Umm....may I ask your names?" I said playing my nice act.

"Zayn, and that Neve." He guy, sorry, Zayn said.

"Now can you tell me why you were yelling at Klohe?" He asked.

"W-what?" How did he know...

"I was on the phone dip shit, I heard you yelling at her!" He stood up from his chair pointing a finger at me.

"Zayn, sweetie sit down." Neve put her hand on his shoulder guiding him back down to the chair. He never once left eye contact with me. I broke the connection by looking down. When I looked back up.. He was talking to Klohe. 

~Klohe's P.O.V~













It's all I see.. It's the only thing around me.....Where am I? What happened? All I remember is blacking out...I hear a faint voice calling me..it's getting louder with each call.


"Klohe! Can you hear me!?" I tried to say yes but it never happened.

"Klohe please! If you cam near me squeeze my hand" All of the sudden a hand was slipped In between mine, I tried and tried, I probably tried 10 times but on the 10th time I finally managed to squeeze this persons hand.

"Doctor!! Doctor!!" The hand left mine and I heard footsteps leave the room.

"Hello Ms. Knight. Can you open your eyes please?" A female voice said, I'm guessing the doctor. 

I tried to open my eyes but it didn't work.. Finally my left eye opened and then my right.

"How are you feeling?" A woman in a white coat asked.

"E-everything is blu-ury" my voice being horse.

"Yes that's okay. Give it a minute and ill be right back with the eye drops." She left the room and I was left with three people, one by my bed.. A girl perhaps. And two males by the foot of my bed.

"Neve?" I asked....



[WILL BE DELETED SOON]I Have An Arranged Marrige To Liam Payne. Great...Where stories live. Discover now