I Have An Arranged Marrige To Liam Payne. Great...

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~Klohe's P.O.V~

When Neva and I finished shopping I dropped off my bags in my room. I decided on taking a shower so I went in my closet, grabbed some joggers and a jumper, new underwear and went to my bathroom.

After my shower I got out and dried off, I blow-dried my hair and put my clothes on. When I was done I re-washed my face at my sink, just to make sure I got all my make-up off.

I opened my door to my bedroom and yelled out to Neva to have a goodnight and that I was going to bed. When she replied with and okay I closed my door and jumped on my bed. I checked my phone before falling asleep, as always;


-----Next Day.

I woke up with sun shinning in my eyes.

"Uhg." I groan throwing the duvet off my bed and going to my closet. I decided that today will be a lazy day since my birthday is tomorrow. So I decided against changing and just went down stairs.

"Hello Miss. Knight-"

"Cmon Randol I told you, call me Klohe." I smiled correcting our chef.

"Klohe-" he cleared his throat "- what would you like for breakfast?" He asked.

"Ummm blueberry pancakes?"

"They will be done in a few." He smiled while I went and sat on the couch.

"Bethany!" I called out to my head maid (and or oldest) a couple minutes after I had sat down.

"Yes, Klohe?" I had all the maid and chef's on a first name bases with me. Sadly, Liam wouldn't allow that, but since he's gone. What the hell, right?

"Is Neva still asleep?"

"Yes ma'am, she told me to wake her up at noon." She said laughing.

"Thanks Bethany." I said as she walked away. I looked at the clock;


Wuuuuuut? Why did I wake up so early? Oh well.

"Klohe, your pancakes sweetie!!" Connor our other chef said.

When I walked in, Connor and Randol were talking amongst themselves.

"Thank you boys!" I said as I happily took the plate of pancakes.

"Oh wait Klohe!" Randol said, I slowly turned around.

"Yes Randol?" I asked.

"Do you know when Mr. Payne will be back?"

I sighed, "No I'm sorry."

I hate to admit it but I feel like Liam forgot about me. Sighing once more I started to eat my pancakes. A couple hours later I was finished with breakfast and was on Toy Story 3.

"Aye wut chu duin?" I heard a really bad British voice try to be "ghetto".

I look up to see Neva laughing on the ground at her failed attempt. I giggled slightly.

"Hey Neva sorry to rain on your parade but could you be a little quieter I have a real bad head ache." I said, it's true my head is pounding.

"Yeah sorry love, I'll get you some medicine." She said apologetic.

"You're fine, but that medicine will be nice?" I said hoping that shed still get me some. She nodded and went to the hall closet. She came back with an ibuprofen and a glass of water.


"No problem. So I'm guessing by the joggers and jumper, your hair pulled into a messy bun and with Toy Story 3 on also the ibuprofen, that your not feeling well?" She stated.

I nodded in agreement, I hope I feel better by tomorrow though I'd hate to be sick on my birthday. That would really suck.

"So what do you want for your birthday tomorrow?" Neve asked with a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Nothing really, just to hang out with you. Maybe go shopping. Nothing big or anything." I stated.

~Neve's P.O.V~

I'm laughing evily in my head right now because she has no idea..........

~Klohe's P.O.V~

Neve nodded with that stupid smirk on her face and went to the kitchen to get some food. I shrugged and un-paused Toy Story 3. Before I new it I was fast asleep.


When I woke up I was in my bed and it was 12:00 at night. Wait....I fell asleep on the couch.....okay Connor or Randol must of carried me upstairs. I went to Neva's room and opened her door, to my surprise she was awake and on her computer, when she saw me she smiled.

"Hey love." She said softly. Yep she's tired.

"Hey, how did I get in my bed? And why are you still up?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh Connor carried you, and because I'm on Skype with my mum." She answered.

"Oh okay tell her I said hi, umm I'm going back to bed. Night Nevaaaaaaaaaa."

"Night Klow."

---January 19

"It's time to get up in the morning." Neva sang like the boys did in there video diaries.

"Obmmmmyygosmw weeeaxde!" I mumbled in my pillow.

Translation; oh my gosh leave!!

"C'mon Klow get dressed its your birthday! We are going to go shopping!!" She said shaking me slightly. I groaned and looked at the clock.


"Neve! It is 6:30 in the morning!" I yelled.

"I know." She smiled. "NOW GET UP!" She yelled back slapping my butt and leaving my room. I I sighed and went to my closet. Grabbed my white high waisted shorts and my pink crop top that has 'Swag' in black letters. I grabbed my white hightops with studs on the heal up.

I went to my bathroom took a quick shower. When I was done I dried off and blow-dried my hair. I curled my hair then got my makeup out. I put black pencil liner on my water line, and black liquid liner on top, I did lost of mascara but it wasn't clumpy, I did all black only to make my blue eyes pop. I didn't put any eyeshadow on because I didn't want to "overdue" it. Finally I put pink lipstick on to match my shirt, and for the last touch. Hairspray. Just to make my curls stay in place.

I smiled at my reflection and went down stairs. I turned the corner with my eyes closed cuz I was still kinda tired.

"I'm ready Neva." I said eyes still closed.

"That's cool." A male voice replied.

My eyes shot open



CLIFHANGER!!! Hehe I love you guys let me know what you think? :*


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