I Have An Arranged Marrige To Liam Payne. Great...

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Hey guys! Sorry!!! I was soooooo busy with school! But I know you all have been waiting for this.... So here it is!!!!!

~Klohe's P.O.V~

I wanted to cry. What did I do? That question replayed in my mind.

I guess it's time to bring out the ole' journal? I thought I'd never use it again. After.....him. So many memories founded back to my head. That's what made the tears flow. Not Liam. Him. I can't even say his name. It's like in Harry Potter, where they can't say Voldemort. Yeah... Just like that.

I open the balcony door and step outside. Loving the view, the cool breeze. But the down side is, I was still crying. Crying. I hate that word with a burning passion. That word is so.. pathetic. So I decide to call the only person I can trust.

One ring.

Two rings.

"Hello?" A manly voice on the other line answers.


"Erm who is this?"

"Z-Zayn...y-you don't rem-member me-e?" I hiccuped

"Wait?" I guess he's checking his screen too see the contact name?

"Ohmigod....Klohe? Where are you? Are you crying? What's wrong?" Questions from right to left made me giggle.

"Yeah Zayn it's me. I'm in Wolverhampton, yes I'm crying, and you know who came to my mind."

Zayn is the only person who knows about him. The ONLY one. And it will stay that way.

"Oh god no, and why are you in Wolverhampton and not Bradford?" He questioned.

"Well... My parents are crazy and decided for me to get married." By this time my tears were done and I could feel the mascara dried to my face.

"MARRIED?!" He practically screamed, I had to move the phone from my face.

"Yes Zayn, married."

"Okay I'm going to count to ten and you will say that was a joke. One"



"Zayn I'm-"


"ZAYN JAVAAD MALIK-" I heard him clear his throat "- I'm serious"


Just then the door to the room burst open. Startled I dropped the phone.


I could hear Zayn's panicked voice through the phone. 'Klohe are you okay?' Was the one I heard the most.

"L-Liam I'm sorry I was just-" I went to finish but his hand raised up like he was about to hit me. I prepared myself but never felt the impact. When I peaked my eye open....he was gone.

Before I blacked out the only thing I remember is Zayn's voice calling my name.


So what did you guys think? Haha let me know.


[WILL BE DELETED SOON]I Have An Arranged Marrige To Liam Payne. Great...Where stories live. Discover now