I Have An Arranged Marrige To Liam Payne. Great...

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Okay guys sorry that the last chapter was so short. I'm making this one longer (;

Read authors note at the end.


~Klohe's P.O.V~

When I woke up I rolled over to find Neva in my bed sound asleep. Liam must of slept in her room. I yawned and made my way down stairs, after all the twist and turns and running into a wall i finally made it to the kitchen.

"Hello Klohe." Randol announced as I entered the kitichen.

"Hello Randol, Connor." I said smiling. "Now we have seven people to feed, have you boys' ate?" I asked.

"Yes we have Klohe-" Connor laughed. "-and we know sweetheart"

"Okay good, I'm going to go to the gym a couple blocks away, if anyone is looking for me." I explained. Connor and Randol just waved me off, shooing me back up stairs.

I grabbed my Pink workout shirt, and some running short and my pink Nike's. After getting dressed I walked out the door saying bye to Connor, Randol and the gardeners. I walked the long drive away and then turned left.

After a couple of blocks I finally made it to the gym. It was pretty empty except of me and this one other boy in there. He was wearing black basketball shorts and a jumper. I went to the treadmill and got my headphones out of my bag that was on the ground. I just started on two, on about my second mile I felt a tap on my shoulder. I paused my music and looked over.

"Hey babe." He said smiling.

I giggled. "Hi, fancy seeing you here." I replied.

"Why you here so early?" He asked me.

"I don't know I could ask you the same.."

He laughed. "I woke up early." I nodded.

"So what are we going to do on the 21st?" I asked curiously.

He looked at me and smirked. "It's a secret."



He laughed, "Seriously Klohe, if you want to know you wont asked." He winked.

I stared to pout. "Fine" I said sticking my togune out.

"Do you want a ride home?" Louis asked. I nodded still pouting.

"Wanna go now?" He laughed. I nodded and followed him out to his car since I walked.


After like 3 minutes we pulled into the driveway and spotted the crew out front playing football (Soccer). Louis pared and we got out of the car, Neva came running up to me smiling like a mad man.

"Ohmigosh!!" She rushed out.

"....wut?" I asked.

"Hi!" She said laughing.

"Oh wow Neva."

"So," she started "how was the gym?"

"Eh, you know, same old same old; running, sweating, drinking water and all over again." I exclaimed.

She nodded. "Well, wanna go swimming?"

"Yeah sure." I answered, but you should know...I'm like Zayn...i can't swim.

"Oi!!!-" she shout to the boys "-wanna go swimming?"

There was a course of 'yes' and 'sure'. We all started walking up to the house, once we were all in we all went our separate ways except me and Liam because we still share a room.....awkward.

"We'll umm.. I'll just grab my suit and change in the bathroom." I said as we entered the room. Liam nodded and started to walk towards the closet. I grabbed my pink bikini and went to the bathroom. Once I was done changing I put my dirty clothes in the hamper. I knocked on the bathroom door, even know I was inside....

"Liam? Are you dressed?" I asked through the door.

"Yeah." Was what I got as a reply. As I opened the door I saw Liam sitting on our bed.

"Can you grab us some towels?" He asked me. I just nodded and walked down the long hall way.

Liam joined the rest of the crew in the pool out back. Our pool was pretty cool. It was big too. It was in ground, and had about 4 slides on different sides of the pool. It was 3ft all the way to 10ft, we only have 10ft because we also have a diving board, and in order to have a diving board your pool must be 8ft or more. So yeah. After I got the towels I met everyone outside, Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall and Neva were all in the 9 foot and Zayn was in the 3 foot, I put the towels down and joined Zayn.

"Hey." He said smiling as I sat down next to him in the float.

"Hey." I said laughing.

"So what have I missed out o-" he was just about to finish when someone screamed my name.


I raised my eyebrow.

"Mum? What are you doing here?"

"Klohe baby, don't be mad..."

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because Klohe......You're adopted....."



Well hello my bitches. Sorry for this chapter, it's boring and late. I know kill me now.

I'm sorry. Love all you bitches out there :****


[WILL BE DELETED SOON]I Have An Arranged Marrige To Liam Payne. Great...Where stories live. Discover now