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It's been 3 days already since Mr. Harrison's announcement and the moment she realise that it was not some sick joke or prank she did not waste any time pleading him to exchange university with the other students but he just wont allow her.
So right now she is in her dorm room throwing in every piece of clothing she owns in her large suitcase. Lacey the only friend she have in Lancaster is watching her with an amused mixed with worried expression.
"Poor clothes" she said and Harley looked at her. "What'd you say? I'm sorry I didn't hear you". Lacey got up from the bean bag she was sitting on and propped herself in the small bed of Harley. "Your murdering your clothes into your luggage girl! Did they do something wrong?" Lacey said with feign horror. "I guess I'm taking my frustrations into these clothes. I don't want to leave Lancaster, Lace" she said with pure sadness. "You don't want to leave Lancaster or you do not want to go back to Georgetown?"
Lacey is the only girl who accepted her when she moved in Lancaster, jet black hair, a black eye on her left eye and a wounded knuckle, way to go to make a good impression but Lacey didn't judge her and she was able to make her open up about her past and helped her move on from it.
"I'm afraid to go back to Georgetown Lacey. That's the truth."
"Oh Harley, there is nothing to be afraid of. You are a changed person already".
"But what if I go back to..."
"No. You are not going back to your old ways anymore Harley. You are way past that phase in your life"
Harley gave her friend a small smile and squeezed her hand.
"Thanks Lacey. How come you've got so much faith in me?"
"Because I saw the good in you Harley despite the bad stuffs you've told me about you"
"Aww. You know what Lace your parents shouldn't have name you Lacey instead they should've named you Faith or Hope."
"Haha funny Harley. I'm gonna miss you though"
"Oh Lace you have no idea how much I am gonna miss you, you're like my little sister ball of sunshine!"
"Stop it Harley you're making me blush!"
"Haha. Why don't you be a good pal and help me pack my stuffs into these suitcase?"
"Would love to! I'm gonna rescue your clothes from you"
They finished packing at around 7 in the evening and they decided to order pizza and watch some movie on Harley's laptop.
"Lets watch Magic Mike Lace. I'm gonna miss watching movies with you!"
"Oh that movie scarred me for life my boyfriend tried to imitate Channing Tatum after we had sex"
"Oh my god I cant imagine Nate doing some stripper dance moves!"
"Don't even bother Har. I almost thought of dumping him when he did it"
"You did not Lacey!"
"I did Harley. I did"
They watch Magic Mike almost 3x drooling over Matt Bomer, talking about their dilemma of the night why is this hot stuff gay, until Lacey fell asleep while Harley wishing that tomorrow never comes before she drifted to sleep too.

Hey guys!
Just want to let you know that Lacey will not be appearing often in the book. This chapter is just a filler before Harley moves back to Georgetown.
But comment guys if you want more of Harley's life in Lancaster and more of Lacey's appearance in the story.

Who else loves the magic mike movie???
Who is your favorite character???
Mine is Matt Bomer and Joe Manganiello.
Simon Atkins and Sofia Vergara had all the luck in the world.

Voteand Comment!!!
Thank you!!!

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