Chapter 5

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She went back to her apartment empty handed no bed sheets, no pillows, no insect spray or anything else. She lay on the bed with tears flowing out of her eyes. She could not believe the humiliation she experienced in the short hours of just stepping foot in Georgetown.
She pulled out her phone and was about to call Lacey but decided against it, she will not disappoint her friend and tell her bad news immediately. So she fixed herself put on a large sunglass and a baseball cap to disguise her self. She went to the old shopping center she used to go to and placed in her cart everything she sees that could be of use to her and paid it.
She decorated her apartment and cleaned the bathroom before using it.
Night has come and she is now on her bed on her phone checking on her social media. She took a picture of her legs resting on her bed and uploaded on her instagram and twitter, she has not opened her Facebook account for years already because that's where she receives a lot of hate messages and posts as well as bad people inviting her to hang out. A few seconds later Lacey posted a comment on her pic.
"Hot legs. Missing you already! Have fun there babe! xxx"
A smile tug on her mouth as she replied to her friend.
"Will do Lace. Missing you too. X"
She just finished her pizza and was watching on her laptop her favorite TV series Strikeback. She has a huge crush on Michael Stonebridge. She was trying to relax her nerves and preparing her self for her big comeback at Georgetown University. She fell asleep at 12 midnight.
The next day.
Her alarm didn't ring. Her class was at 8 but its already 8:15.
She jumped out of her bed and rummage her closet. She found her light washed low waist ripped jeans black cropped muscle tee and her vintage doctor martens. She just placed her hair into a high ponytail. She went to her bathroom to splash on some water on her face and brushed her teeth.
"The shower can wait later in the evening. Dang alarm why did you broke?!"
She hurried down the stairs two steps at a time and ran the two streets to GU. She arrive at exactly 15 minutes.
She found her room immediately
"Nothing has changed in GU I dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing."
She tippy toed inside the classroom and all eyes were on her already.
"May I know who you are?"
Her professor asked.
"Ha. Har. I'm the exchange student from Lancaster University"
"Oh you probably got lost finding your way here so I'll let this slip away. Go find a seat"
"Thanks mam"
By now everyone was whispering to each other and giving her either disgusting looks or approving nods.
"Whats the commotion all about?!?!"
The professor shouted and everything was back to normal.
When the class ended a group of guys who looks like they were up to no good was waiting for her outside.
"Harley Winston" one of the guy with a broken nose said.
"What do you want?" she asked him
"Well we just want to ask if you want to hang out later at tracks. We'll be skating and shit"
"Sorry boys but I don't skate and shit that's for the kids" and with that she turned on her heel and walked away.
On her second class. Its the same with her first whispering, throwing disgusting looks or approving nods while others were too scared to even glance at her. Then on the third it became worse. A group of girls scurried away when they saw her while one girl shielded herself and said "please don't hurt me".
It was starting to irritate her and any minute she might snap at anybody who looks at her differently.
It was her break time and she was at the cafe inside GU. She ordered a black coffee and a pasta with alfredo sauce she sat on the corner where it was dimly lighted and facing the wall to block her from other people.
The door chimed signalling that somebody entered the cafe.
"You are on my seat" somebody tap her at the shoulder.
"Didn't see a name here buddy" she said with out even looking at the person and continue to eat
"Get off your ass on my spot bitch!"
She knew too well that high pitched voice. It's her nemesis Nicole. She get up and the chair screeched loudly and she is face to face with the one and only Nicole Flanders.
She was shocked to see the appearance of Nicole, crumpled low neck shirt, dirty green scarf and her leggings has a hole. She wanted to say rough night eh?
"Long time no see" she greeted her.
Nicole's hungover eyes widened.
"Harley Winston"
"In flesh Flanders" she mocked bow Nicole. They were starting to attract a crowd.
"What are you doing back here!?"
"For education?"
"No shit Winston. Why are you back here? Nobody wants you here"
She almost flinched with what she said because she knows that Nicole was right, nobody wants her here in Georgetown.
"Exchange student darling, but to make you feel better, I do not want to be back here too."
"Then leave. Pack your bags and hop on to the earliest flight back to hell"
"Ooh that stung Flanders. But sorry sweetie, I'm staying the whole semester, you have to get used to seeing me more often now"
"Like that is going to happen just wait Winston you wont last a month and you'll be packing your bags"
"Ooh I'm so scared Flanders. Whats the worst you can do, other than threat me with your empty wordy threats?"
"You just wait Winston you just wait"
"Bring it on Flanders!"

Picture on top is reality TV' star Nicole Richie. Who else love her???

You got to see a glimpse of how Harley and Nicole talk to each other.
What do you guys think of Nicole?

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