Chapter 9

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Harley decided to take a walk around Georgetown after her afternoon class. It was now almost 5 o'clock in the evening when she checked her wrist watch.
She was walking back to her apartment when she saw a little girl who seems to be 5 or 6 years old crying at the corner with her broken doll.
She went to the crying little girl and crouched down to its height.
"Hello there little girl" she said in her sweet caring voice.
The little girl looked up her tear streaked eyes and her heart broke.
"What's your name little girl?"
"I'm Poppy" she croaked.
"What are you doing here all by your self?"
"I ran away from home" she hiccuped.
"Why did you ran away? Its dangerous for a little girl like you to be out all alone"
"I. I. Broke my dolls arm. I'm afraid aunt might get mad if she founds out. Nanny told me aunt will be mad at me"
"Oh that's not true Poppy. Your aunt will never get mad at you for breaking your doll. You are more precious than your doll for your aunt"
"But nanny said"
"Oh don't believe what you're nanny said. Where do you live? I can bring you home to your aunt"
Suddenly voices not fae from where they are were heard. Calling out Poppy's name and then scolding somebody.
"Poppy! Where are you?"
"If something happens to my Poppy I dont know what Im gonna do to you!"
"I'm sorry mam. I did not mean to scare her like that"
"What if some delinquent get a hold of her huh what are you gonna do?"
"Oh my. Pls dont say something like that mam"
"Poppy! Oh my god!! Are you okay?"
Somebody ran and lifted up little Poppy.
"Aunt, are you mad?"
"Of course not. I will never get mad at you!"
Then the aunt of Poppy faced her and the next thing Harley knew she was already on the ground.
The aunt of Poppy pushed her hard.
"You! What are you doing here?!"
"Mrs. McAvoy"
Then somebody picked Harley up and when she turn around she saw the arrogant prick Greek god named Calvin. Her eyes widen like saucers but then her attention was back to Mrs. McAvoy.
"First my son and now my niece?! Don't you have a heart Harley!"
"I. I did not. I didnt.. I di"
"Mam. Harley did not do anything wrong to your niece, if anything it was her who found your little niece"
"And who are you huh? Are you this delinquent's toy boy? Do you not know that this girl your dating is pestilent to Georgetown?!" Mrs. McAvoy roared.
"That's enough mam. The least you could do is ask your niece if Harley really did do something wrong to her" he argued to the woman.
"Aunt she was very good to me she did not do anything bad to me." Poppy said.
"Matilda. Take Poppy with you and bring her home" she ordered the nanny.
"I'm warning you Harley. Don't come near my family anymore"
"Im. I'm sorry Mrs. McAvoy"
"Don't Harley. Just don't. Just stay away you've done enough damage to my family"
Mrs. McAvoy turned on her heel and walked away.
Harley was left totally speechless and on the verge of crying but when she realize she wasn't alone she held it back.
Calvin broke the silence between them.
"Will you be alright from here?"
Harley just nodded but when Calvin got a glimpse of Harley's blood red eyes and almost going to cry he stopped and just stood there with Harley and have no idea what to do.
"Thank you. I'm fine. You can leave."
"Obviously you aren't fine"
"I know and that's why you should leave me the hell alone!" she did not mean to snap at him but she was slowly breaking inside already.
"Fucking unbelievable. Is that what you do to people who helps you? Fine! I shouldn't have helped in the fucking first place!"
Calvin started to walk away.
"I'm sorry"
He stopped on his tracks when he heard Harley's small croaking voice and turned around.
He saw her fighting back the tears that are spilling from her eyes and casually wiping it away.
He doesn't know what to do so he just went after her and pulled her to his chest and allowed her to sob.

Did you see it coming guys???
Who do you thought was coming to save her from the wrath of Mrs. McAvoy.
I'm sure you guys are wondering what happened between Harley and the McAvoy's.
Tune in to know about it in the coming chapters.
I love Calvin in this chapter.
Told you he is not a total ass.
#HarVin #CalLey #HarCal

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