Chapter 11

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Calvin was watching the series that Harley paused on her laptop ( strikeback)  when suddenly a there was a knock on the door.
At first he ignores it but the person on the other side of the door wont leave.
He stood up and opened the door and found Jared.
"Girlfriend what took you so..."
Jared wasn't able to finish his sentence when he saw instead of Harley is the shirtless Calvin a single brow raised as he leans on the door frame.
"What the fuck are you doing here Anderson!?"
"None of your business Hunter"
"It is my business when you are in my girlfriends apartment"
"Who says she's your girlfriend?"
Jared wasnt able to answer immediately but when he was about to speak somebody cleared its throat and the two guys saw another man who seems older than them.
He towers over Calvin and Jared and even a toddler could tell he is dangerous.
"And who are you?" Jared asks
"Are you the landlord? Cause you better kick this man here out he's causing a ruckus" Calvin said.
"No you kick this asshole here for being in my girlfriends apartment" Jared counters back.
The guy just stood there watching the two guys in amusement as he lights up a cigarette.
"Why are you not doing anything man? Jared asks while Calvin eyes the guy and sensed that he isn't the landlord instead some guy who knows Harley
"You two how'd you met Harley? You guys must be something if she tells you her place"
"Who are you?" Calvin asked
"How do you know Harley?" Jared asked.
"Some protective friends Harley have" the guy said as he puffs out a smoke.
Both Calvin and Jared doesn't like the aura of the guy in front of them.
"You kids chill out alright Harley doesn't like it that attitude"
"What the fuck are you talking about man, who the fuck are you? Jared roars.
"Lets get inside and I'll introduce myself" the guy said and was about to take a step forward when Calvin spoke.
"No. Neither of you are getting in."
Jared's neck snap to his direction.
"And who do you think you are?"
"Alright alright lets wait for Harley then to come back where did that girl go"
Calvin closed Harley's apartment door and went out to join the 2 guys.
The sane Calvin would walk away from this situation seeing these two are major trouble but a part of him doesn't want to leave Harley with these 2 guys especially with the stranger one.

Harley was climbing the stairs up to her apartment in a hurry because she saw the motorbike of Jared parked outside her apartment building. She clutched with her left arm Calvin's expensive shirt careful not to make it any dirtier.
As she finally reached her apartment floor she almost gasped with what she saw. She did not expect to see 3 guys outside her apartment. Naked Calvin wasnt helping either, the stranger was on its back so she could not tell who it is, she thinks its Jared's friend.
"Im gonna kick Jared where the sun wont shine anymore for bringing some stranger here."
As she comes close to them she immediately speak the 3 guys doesn't notice her.
"Ha still sneaky as ever Harley good you havent lost your wonders"
she internally praise herself.
"Jared what the hell where you thinking bringing some stranger.."
All 3 heads snapped up to her and Harley stopped on her tracks when the stranger face her.
The first thing she did was to blink her eyes then she ran to the guy and leaps towards it and the stranger catches and hugged her.
"Mason!" Harley beamed gleefully.
Calvin and Jared where at loss of words at the scene in front of them.
"Harley Harley. Easy there babe"
The stranger whose name is Mason is still holding her and Harley's arms where wrapped around its neck.
"Really Mase? Thats the first thing you'll gonna say to me?"
"I missed you Harley" he kissed her in top of her forehead and gently put her down.
She noticed Calvin and Jared was not speaking.
"Hey there guys. Uhm. So you've met Mason" she told them.
Calvin took a step forward and snatched his shirt from Harley's hand and wore it then started walking away.
"Calvin.." she tried calling him out but he just walks away from them.
"Let the guy go Harley"
"Yeah of course. Jared what are you doing here?"
"That's one way of greeting your boyfriend Harley" Mason told her.
"Guys I'm lost who is he Harley?"
"He is.."
"I'm someone special in Harley's life brother. So you're Jared I'm Mason."
Mason  interjected.
"I'll see you around Harley" Jared told her and he left just like Calvin.
Harley just stood there dumbfounded thinking what the hell happened?
"Are we just gonna stand here or.."
"Yeah I'm sorry lets get inside"
"You've got a lot of shit to tell me Har."
"So do you Taff"

Sorry to break the Harley-Calvin scene guys! but hey you've finally met Mason Taff player by the super gorgeous actor Joe Manganiello.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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