Chapter 7

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Harley and Jared climbed up the stairs up to her room which is located on the third floor.
"Why don't you look for a much more decent place Harley? One with an elevator or security?"
Jared told her while looking around the place like he is inside a haunted house.
"This place is not too bad plus the stairs serves as my daily exercise"
"Dont you feel unsafe here? I would not let my girl stay in this shabby apartment"
Harley stopped dead on her trackz and Jared hit his head on her back.
"Ow! Why'd you stop?"
"Do you realize you've insulted my place for like the 3rd time already! I'm close to kicking you out" she said
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm gonna shut my mouth now" he said with pleading puppy eyes he knew no one could ever resist.
They finally reach her room. Harley opened the door and let Jared in.
"Welcome to mi casa" she said to him. Jared inspected the place before settling on to the badly upholstered sofa.
"Hmm not bad not bad" he finally said.
"See I told you. Don't be so judgy. Georgetown must be rubbing on you eh" she said while entering her bedroom and placed her stuffs on the bed.
"What'd you mean?"
"Nothing. I don't have anything to offer you aside from water"
"Its alright anything as long as its from you babe"
"Shut it Hunters. I'm not buying your pickup lines"
"There's no harm in trying"
"Try again never"
"Feisty, snarky i like it"
"If you don't shut up I'll show you what is feisty and snarky really looks like"
"Chill babe. I'm just kidding"
"I'm not your babe. Why did I even invite you here??"
"Cause I'm irresistible?"
Harley just rolled her eyes and shove him the glass of water.
"Thanks babe" he said as she turns to leave only to turn around again and glare at him.
"Stop calling me babe! It makes me want to gag!"
"What do you want me to call you then? Honey? Princess?.."
"Harley. Goddamnit. Just call me Harley. Okay?"
"Harley. Har-Ley." He said it like a one year old. "I like how your name rolls on my tongue, Harley"
"You're unbelievable! Don't you have any other place to be huh?"
"Hmm. I cleared my schedule for you, Har..Ley" Jared was messing around with her and her name.
"Hearing you say my name makes me hate it. Cant you just say Harley like a normal person says it?"
Jared just laughed his head tipping backward and Harley just watches him, his contagious laugh made a small smile dance on the corner of Harleys mouth.
"You look so hot when you're mad I cant help it" Jared blurted out.
"Thats it. Im kicking you out of my apartment Hunters. Get up!"
She walked to the sofa where Jared was sitting and tried to pull him up and drag him out the door but she no match to his muscles she ended up on top of his chest and Jared caged her in his arms.
"You just have to ask babe no need to be so harsh" he said huskily to Harley
"Get off me Hunters!" she wriggled out of Jared's hold.
"But I like this position we are in"
"I said get off me Jared Hunters"
"You make my name so sexy"
He let her go, get up and scratched the back of his head and stretched.
Harley was shooting daggers at him but ended up staring at the handsome man in front of her.
"You done checking me out babe?"
Harley did not deny it because she was obviously checking him out so she just rolled her eyes and went straight to the door and opened it.
"I'm leaving now Harley but I will see you around. I had fun"
"Hope I could say the same"
"Aw you don't mean that babe"
"I do" and she slammed the door in his face but still hear his laughter as he walks away.
Harley sat on the sofa Jared was sitting on awhile ago wondering what the hell did just happened?
How did that Jared Hunter able to sneak into the wall she created to never be friendly with anyone here in Georgetown.

I had so much fun writing these chapter. A grin is plastered on my face as I write this.
How cute Harley and Jared is?

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