Chapter 4

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They went up all the way to the top floor where the office is situated. The salesperson opened the glass doors and a red head lady welcomed them
"Mr. Andrews is not available at the moment. He is inside with his son"
"But Ms. Ava this is important. A customer has caused a scene because of this girl and might I add she's a dangerous one according to the complainant"
"Hello excuse me! I'm here. You heard her the boss is busy with his son and only God knows what they are doing and you believe what that old woman said about me?"
Suddenly a deep voice spoke.
"What is going on here?"
Harley's head snapped to where the voice came from and she saw 2 handsome Greek like gods standing behind them.
The first Greek god is old probably on his 50's and could probably melt her mamas heart but not hers, however when her eyes met the second Greek god she has to hold on to her pants to prevent her panty from dropping.
"Sir. I am sorry for the inconvenience but I have to bring you this lady because an old woman has complained about her and was about to start a ruckus" salesperson said.
"You can now leave Jax. We can take it from here" Old Greek said.
"I'll call a security if ever something goes wrong" the lady whose name is Ava interjected, Harley stared at her like she grew another head.
"Thank you Ms. Ava but I don't think it will be needed. What could a young lady do to us?"
"Jax informed me that the lady is dangerous sir" Ava told old Greek god.
"Well if it makes you feel any better then call away Ms. Ava" Old Greek said.
Harley could not believe what was happening around her as if she is not right there with them.
"Uh excuse me everyone. I'm right here"
"I apologize young lady. Come inside with us"
The younger Greek god has that stony expression on his face as he watch the scene infront of him.
She was led inside a giant office with a large glass table with a Mac computer and 2 guest chair while a black sofa was on the other side and a center table with Time magazines laid on top.
"Have a sit miss"
Old Greek god sat in the CEO chair as she believes it to be while the younger Greek god sat in front of her occupying the other guest seat crossed legged like Christian Grey when Anastasia Steele was interviewing him.
The two Greek god was eyeing her intensely.
Suddenly she felt claustrophobic and panic starts to form in her gut.
"What is your name miss?" Old Greek asked her.
"I'm. I'm Harley. Harley Winston"
"I am Magno Andrews. Owner of these mall and this is my son Calvin. Future CEO of this mall"
Finally I wont be calling them Old Greek and Young Greek.
"Mr. Andrews. Believe me. I'm not a bad person"
"Don't worry Ms. Harley. My assistant Ava has called the police to check in your records already."
"The police? What has the police got to do with this?"
Harley was loosing her temper.
"We just want to know if you really are a fugitive or a dangerous person if nothing is found about you we will let you go and let you enjoy your shopping"
"This is fucking unbelievable"
"What is Ms. Harley?"
"This! For fucksake I just hop off the plane 3 hours ago and now I'm here being interrogated and checked when in fact I don't even want to be in this town and I've done nothing wrong"
"Ms. Harley we are sorry to hear that we are just following protocols but as soon as all of this is finished we will let you go. Can I offer you a drink? Coffee? Tea?"
"Just a water please"
He pressed a button and asked for a water a few seconds later Ava is inside with a glass of water and a folder in hand.
"The glass of water for Miss Winston and the file for you Mr. Andrews"
"Thank you Ms. Ava. You can now go"
Harley downed the water in one big gulp. She was too nervous knowing that the police was already involve news will travel fast that she is back and she hasn't even started school yet.
It hurts her knowing that Mr. Andrews came in this town when she was already gone and has no idea of the news about her and all of a sudden just because Mrs. Mayfield was too mad at her they will learn about her past she tries so hard to bury.
Magno was reading the file inside the folder which is probably her police records before and she notice that his eyebrows furrowed and his handsome son named Calvin watches his father and would casually glance at her with a judging look that makes her uncomfortable.
Magno laid down the folder on his table and cleared his throat then forced a smile.
"We are sorry for taking so much of your time Ms. Winston. You are free to go. Ms. Ava and the security will see you out"
"I have to leave too dad"
Calvin said without looking at his father and is busy typing on his phone.
"Okay son. Ms. Winston. Its great to meet someone like you"
Calvin's head snap up with his father's statement.
Harley just bowed down and exited Magno's office.
"This way Ms. Winston. The security will see you out"
Ava told her.
"No need to be subtle"
"Tell your boss no need to be subtle. It becomes too obvious when he is trying too hard"
Harley left the mall with the security on her tail like she is some fugitive and holding back the tears that was starting to form.
Calvin just got out his fathers office when he heard what Harley said.
"Ms. Ava what was that?"
"Oh dear she is one complicated girl go now before you get late with your class or date or whatever"
Calvin left wondering about the girl who was brought in for interrogation.

Picture on top is the model Sean O'pry to play as Calvin.

Don't worry guys this is not the first real encounter of Harley and Calvin.
I've got a lot more better situation in mind you'll surely love.

Anyway what do you think about him??

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