Chapter 3

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"So this is it Harley. I am so going to miss you like big time!" Lacey said with glassy eyes.
"No water works I told you Lace. Its not like this is the goodbye I will be back after a semester and we will go job hunting together"
"You better promise me that. And Ive got faith in you Harley you know what I mean. Dont let the past define who you are now"
"I'll try Lace. I'll try"
"I'll call you all the time to remind you that"
"Silly! No need to, I must do this on my own"
"Right you got to believe in your self"
"I should get going my plane is about to leave. Takecare Lace and try not to miss me so much!"
"Haha. Goodbye Harley"
"Goodbye Lacey"
As she walks away from Lacey she felt like she was not just saying goodbye to her friend but to Lancaster and the Harley that she become. She fought the urge to run back to her friend until she is seated inside the plane and it started to take off.
A few hours later the plane has descended to Georgetown Airport.
She collected her stuffs and called for a cab. She instructed the driver to bring her to Apartment Z just 2 street away from GU. She refused to stay in the dorm of GU to avoid the people who once knew her. Her landlord was a big fat old man and if it is not her who have encountered a lot more scarier people she would say he is also a very frightening man. The apartment she rented was not bad it has a bedroom a bathroom a small living room/kitchen and the walls are painted white but some of it are starting to peel off. She had no choice but to deal with it due to short time of notice. She unpacked her clothes to the closet that was already in there. There was a dead cockroach at the bottom drawer when she was about to place her underwear. "Dont forget to buy some spray later Harley" and she placed a picture of her family beside her bed and also some of her beauty stuffs and her toiletries in the bathroom. After almost 2 hours of packing she was flopped on her bed that has no sheets, she forgot to bring some bed sheets, pillow and pillowcases so she hauled her lazy ass out of her apartment and went straight to the mall to do some shopping.
Georgetown is a small town but people in here are bright and smart people.
When the most reckless, impulsive and destructive bad girl moved out they were able to hold out a breath they long held in.
So when an old citizen of Georgetown saw her at the shopping mall shock was an understatement, she was horrified when she saw her with a Starbucks coffee in hand and pushing a cart with some big fluffy pillows. Mrs. Mayfield mouth formed an O and her shopping basket fell on the floor.
"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She charge to where Harley was standing who has also a shock expression not because she saw Mrs. Mayfield but because of her rage towards her and the people are starting to stare. Before she could attack her a salesperson meddled.
"Is something wrong here mam?"
"This girl here. She should not be here!"
"Is she a fugitive mam?"
"If only you knew what the lady is capable of!" The salesperson turned her way
"I'm sorry man but you have to come with me"
Now it was Harley who has her mouth in an O.
"I am not a fugitive. I did not. I.. I have done.. nothing.. I"
She was cut off by Mrs. Mayfield "Stuttering a sign of lying" she said with a sly smug.
"I'm really sorry miss just please follow me"
"So much for my first day back. Why did you chose to go to this new mall instead of the old one, yeah so that you can avoid situations like this but look where you end up harley" she was having a conversation with herself as they made their way to the office.

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