Chapter 8

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Harley was walking on her way to GU when a familiar sound of a motorbike stop just behind her.
She turned around and saw Jared sitting on his bike, helmet tucked on his left arm and grinning like a fool.
"Morning sunshine" he greeted her
"Get lost"
"Not a morning person I see"
"What do you want?"
"I'm just being a good friend and offering you a ride"
"Who said we are friends?"
"Oh you wound me babe"
"What did I say about you calling me babe?"
"Harley. I'm being a good person and offering you a ride"
"Scoot over then"
"Alright off to the GU we go!"
Harley wrapped her arms around Jared and smiled as they go to the University.
When they reach the University parking lot, Harley's eyes widen as she saw her dream car. TheU Mercedes Brabus 700.
"Holy crap!" she said as she get off Jared's bike.
"Do you see this babe right here Hunters? Dang!"
"You are the only babe I see here"
"Stop flirting around would you"
"Cant help it when I'm with you"
Harley just rolled her eyes as she walks over the Brabus 700 and admires it.
"Never in my life I've been jealous but right now I wish I'm that Brabus you're eye raping"
"Whoever owns this is one lucky bastard"
Jared chuckled when she said it.
"What?"she questioned
"The owner of that is far from a bastard but a lucky son of a bitch who is a multi millionaire, ever heard of the Andrews?"
Andrews sounds so familiar to Harley but she just can't remember when and where she heard of it.
"So obviously he goes to this university and that means..." now it was her turn to grin like a fool.
"Sorry babe but the bastard who owns this Brabus and I just don't get along pretty well. A bastard indeed"
A vein almost pop on his neck as he says it and Harley notices it.
Suddenly a deep voice spoke.
"If you two are done checking my jeep out get out of my way"
Their heads snapped to the direction of where the voice came from.
Harley's jaw almost dropped wheb she saw the Greek God that she saw yesterday at the mall's office.
If its not because of how arrogant he spoke to them and Jared's venomous voice as he acknowledge the Greek god in front of them she would have praise the babe of a vehicle he owns.
"Calvin" Jared spoke.
"Hunters" Calvin the Greek god said with the same venom in his voice.
"No need to be an asshole Andrews my girl just find your jeep..."
Harley felt the tension between the two thick so she spoke before they could get into a heated argument and made sure Jared knows that she's not anyone's girl.
"Cmon Jared. Someone must have woken up on the wrong side of his bed"
Excellent Harley so much for trying to cool down the situation.
"What do you mean?" Calvin stared deep into her eyes and she almost froze right then and there.
Thankful for Jared he spoke and she snapped out of her daze.
"She means you're an ass Andrews."
"Why don't you and you're girl get out of here already"
"Why? Cant stand.."
Before Jared could even finish his sentence Harley spoke once again for good this time.
"Cmon Jared lets go."
She drag Jared with all her force as she muttered "grumpy pants" just loud enough for Calvin to hear her.
Calvin then muttered "troubled lady" she almost stop and go back to him and knock some sense to his head but she remembers about the incident yesterday at the mall.
He probably knows already about her past records so she just ignores him and walk away with Jared who was oblivious of the exchange of mutters between them.
When they were inside the University already.
"That bastard. I'm going to beat him to a pulp one day!" Jared roared.
"Calm down would you. Sorry for almost getting you in trouble with that Calvin guy"
Jared stopped and just stared at her.
"What?" she asked but he doesn't answer.
"You're creeping me out buddy"
She shook Jared by grabbing both of his shoulders.
"I just realized back there you've got no problem with me calling you my girl" he was still grinning like an idiot.
"That mister! Thank you for reminding me. I was close to embarrassing you in front of Calvin if he wasn't being an arrogant prick"
"You sure know how to swipe off my smile babe" Jared's smile faltered but quickly mask it with a smirk.
"Just reminding you I'm no one's girl"
she started to walk away fro him.
"But hey you didn't even widen your eyes at me like you always do when I cal you babe. Maybe I should just call you from now on my girl"
She turn around and gave him a middle finger before she enters her class and just when she sat Jared passed by and shouted outside her room "See you later my girl"
"Are we in highschool? Oh my god"
cue the eye roll and her thoughts start to drift to the Greek god of an asshole named Calvin Andrews.

Jared is so hilarious!
Calvin is an ass in this chapter.
I feel like there is so much words that needs to be exchange between Harley and Calvin that could lead to their understanding one another, who's with me??

Picture on top is Calvin's Mercedes Brabus 700. Check it out. It is such a babe!!! I'm freaking in love.

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