Chapter 10

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They don't know how long they stand there while Harley cries on his chest while he rubs her back.
Harley's phone rang and that's when she wriggle out of Calvin's chest.
Lacey was on the caller ID so she answered it.
"Harley! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to call you like I promised you. How are you?"
"Hey Lace. I'm fine" she sniffed at the last part.
"Have you been crying?! No no. Tell me what happened?"
"Im okay now Lace just a slip up"
"Log onto your skype right now I need to see how you look like"
"I'm not home yet Lace, I'll call you later. I have something going on at the moment"
"Okay I'll wait for your call love you!"
"Love you too" and then she hang up and saw that Calvin was looking at her.
"It's not what you think" she defended.
"Never thought you swing that way. I wonder what will happen to Hunters if he finds out"
"I'm not bi! I'm straight. It was my friend from Lancaster and what about Hunters?"
"Your DonJuan wont like it if he founds out his girl is his competition to other girls"
"I told you I'm not what you're thinking and I'm not Hunter's girl"
"I know"
"What do you mean?"
Then they were silent once again.
Now it was Harley who broke the silence.
"Look. About the incident yesterday at your mall. I hope it doesn't"
"If you think I looked into your file you got it wrong."
Harley was confused.
"But you called me a troubled lady"
"Aren't you? At the mall, parking lot and earlier here"
"Also about earlier. I wish that we could just forget what you heard"
"Told you I'm not nosy. I don't care what that woman said or about you so you have nothing to worry."
Harley wonders why did his last statement stung.
Harley's eyes averted to his chest which is tear and probably snoot stained shirt.
"I'm sorry about your shirt there is a laundry near my apartment I can take it there"
"Its fine"
"I insist. Its all I can do to show my gratitude"
"Well if that's what you want"
Calvin started to walk away so she followed him to his car which is her dream Brabus 700 jeep.
Calvin unlocked the doors and they both hop in.
It was very neat inside not what she expects from a man's car.
"This is so cool" she couldn't help but blurt it out.
"What is?" he asked.
"This your Brabus. Its such a babe. I cant help but to admire it"
"Thanks. I love her too. She's the only one tough woman I love"
"She? Woman?"
"Aretha, that's her name"
"Its beautiful"
"So where is that laundry shop?"
"Uh its just near apartment Z. You can wait in my room while I go and clean your shirt"
"Okay. So where is this apartment Z?"
"Just drive I'll tell you where to turn."

A few minutes later they are parked outside her building and Calvin eyes it like a miniature.
"Is something wrong?" she asked.
"Nothing" he hesitated telling her hiss worries.
"If you think someone might stab you here or hi jack Aretha don't worry the land lord here are feared by the rogues around here"
"I did not say anything like that"
"You need not to say anything your face gave it away. Cmon I'll lead you to my apartment"
They both went out and made their way inside the building.
Each step they made makes a creaking sound and it takes all her will not to laugh at Calvin's expression.
"Don't worry its not gonna crumble"
"You sure?"
"I'm positive"
They entered her room and he let him sat on the badly upholstered sofa Jared sat yesterday.
Calvin made the sofa hundred times look worse when he sat.
Its like a king sitting in the paupers house.
"What?" now its Calvin's turn to ask.
"You make my sofa look hundred percent trash"
"Throw this one out and buy a new one"
"You are still able to sit there so why buy a new one?"
"Because its worn out already?"
"Lets stop talking about the sofa. I'm sorry I can only offer you a water I do not have any groceries here"
"Sure with an ice though its hot outside"
"Uh. I don't have a refrigerator."
He stared at her incredulously.
"You're shitting me."
"I'm not! Do you see any contraption here?"
"Probably inside your room as well as your television"
He stood and dash to her room and she quickly followed him.
"No television and refrigerator"
"Who are you really?" he asked in disbelief
"Harley Winston?" she answered more like questioned herself.
"You're the only person I know that lives like this"
"Is that a compliment or insult? Anyhow give me your shirt. I'll run it to the cleaners"
Calvin tool off her shirt and Harley gaped at his toned stomach and six pack. Her jaw literally dropped.
"Close your mouth Harley. A fly might get in there" he said with an amuse expression as he handed her his shirt.
"Was my mouth really opened?"she ask him and he just laughed.
"Yes Harley it is you should have seen your face"
"Whatever. Be back im a few minutes."
"Wait! What am I gonna do here then if there's no tv or whatever"
"Believe it or not the wifi signal here is strong. I suppose you have a phone"
"I left it in the car"
Harley rolled her eyes and she went to her bedroom and got her laptop.
"Here watch some movie or porn. Whatever you want"
Then she was out the door before he can even respond.


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