Chapter 6

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Words has start to spread that the baddest Harley Newton who left Georgetown two years ago is back.
Not only that, rumors has start to spread that she was seen dealing with the junkies from sophomore and picking fights with poor freshman girls.
But the most interesting news was the encounter of the bad and the baddest, Nicole Flanders and Harley Winston.
Everybody knows how much these two girls hates each other.
They are like water and oil, they will never blend with each other.
Harley was thankful that the incident at the mall did not came out yet.
Mrs. Mayfield must have not yet met with her social club.
People who knew her already is eager to see her again, while those who haven't is curious as to what this Harley Winston looks like.
A lot of people has started to ask and research about her on the internet.

A certain playboy found interest on Harley. He moved to Georgetown 6 months after Harley left, the once full of prank town he heard of was now just a boring place full of boring pretty girls and baddies on the low.

Jared Hunters easily gained the title "playboy" of Georgetown just 2 months after moving in. He became friends with the likes of him or rather the basketball team. So when he heard his team mate/captain, Wayne Smith talking about Harley Winston and her craziness he can not help but listen and anticipates to meet her.
"I need to meet that chick mate"
"Good luck on that mate she's no boring pretty Georgetown girl, she is the crazy bad bitch of Georgetown"
"That makes me want to know her more. You gotta help me mate"
"You're on your own this time Hunters no way I am going to get involve with Harley this time. I'm trying to get scouted in the national team. Trouble is her middle name and I'm not risking it"
"Oh man you make her sound so bad"
"Cause its true mate she is no good. If I were you I'm just gonna stick to your boring pretty Georgetown girls"
"Nah! I''m bored with them mate. I'll risk it with this Harley chick"
"Wish you all the luck mate"

Jared thinks that luck is on his side today. He was riding his motorbe when she spotted the certain dark haired girl she haven't met yet.
"This girl is probably Harley. Base on Wayne's description this must be her"

Harley was walking back to her apartment and plans to spend the whole afternoon locked up in there and order pizza or Chinese take out.
She was contemplating whether she should go for take out or should she make some home made lunch when a motorbike slow down beside her. She walked away but the motorbike is still following her, she stopped and the motorbike stopped too, so she turned to the driver of the motorbike.
"What do you want?" she asked.
The driver removed his helmet and revealed a brown haired handsome man, with puppy like eyes and a killer smile. The perfect play boy package, she thought.
"Hey!" the guy greeted her cheerfully.
His smile is the best smile she's ever seen in her life.
What happened to this town?
Why all of a sudden the hot guys started to move here in Georgetown when I left?
"You must be Harley, I can give you a ride where are you head to? I can also give you a ride back to the dorms?" he talks to her easily like he is not fazed that it is Harley she is talking to.
"Uh what am I going to do at the dorms?" she answered back
"Don't you all girls live there?"
"I don't. And thanks for offering me a ride but I prefer to walk"
"I'll walk you to your place then. Georgetown could be a dangerous place for a lady like you"
Harley laughed a full blown laugh and he just stared at her.
"Did I say something funny?"
"The sun is still up, goons come out at night and.. dangerous? Haha. People here thinks I'm the danger so you got nothing to worry buddy. I can manage on my own"
"Wow where have you been all my life Harley?"
"Is that what you say to all of your girls cause boy its getting rusty I've heard better, try again never"
"Feisty. Hey! You haven't even asked for my name yet"
"No interest on your name"
"Jared. I'm Jared Hunters. Its nice to meet you Harley Winston" he extends a hand and gave her a full grin that is very hard to resist so she gave in.
"Persistent aren't we?" she told him
"So will you now allow me to give you a ride?"
"Well I don't think you are going to go away when I say no"
"Finally hop on milady cause you're about to have the best ride of your life"
"We'll see"
"Wrap your arms around me babe"
She do as she's told and she felt his hard rock abs as they sped away.
"Stop right here" she instructed Jared.
"You live here? Is there even an elevator?" He eyed the almost run down apartment building.
"Yes and No. Thanks for the ride"
"Wait! Aren't you gonna invite me inside?"
"Uhm. No?.. Why? Should I invite you in? You already judge the place I live in and by the looks of it you are terrified to step foot in it"
"Its just that the building looks.. uh.. weak"
"Well come inside and test it your self"
"Would I even say no? Its the Harley Winston inviting me in her place"
"Don't feel so lucky there mate,you aren't getting any from me"

Picture on top is the actor Captain America itself Chris Evans!
Who else agrees with me that he has the best killer smile!

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