07 | christmas disasters (cringe chapter)

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Annabeth's POV

"Percy!" I complained loudly, hitting his arm as he licked even more of the white icing off of his spoon with an annoying, evil smile.

With frosting-covered lips, he looked up, "Wha?"

I crossed my arms, "You're eating all of the frosting!"

"No I'm not." He smirked, dipping his finger in the frosting and sticking it in his mouth. I glared at him playfully, but he kissed my forehead, causing me to calm down a tiny bit.

"Just give me the roof." I sighed, sticking my hand out. He grinned, grabbing the roof and taking a big bite  of it before handing to me. "PERCY!" I screamed at him.

"What? We can just pretend that... the gingerbread builder men forgot to fill in that part." Percy said confidently. I sighed, "Why did I even buy a gingerbread house?" I buried my face in my hands.

"Because you love me." Percy nudged me.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

I gave a small smile, "Maybe."

I looked up at Percy, who was grinning like a madman. "How about we finish this gingerbread house?"

"I don't know..." I trailed. Percy pouted, "But I wanna eat it, and the sooner we finish it the sooner we can eat it."

I sighed, "Fine"


I looked back at our blue frosting coated gingerbread house, with M&Ms, Skittles-specifically blue-, chocolate, and gummies sprouting everywhere.

"Can we eat it now?" Percy asked, laying his chin on my head.

"Wait." I said, dipping my finger in the left over frosting and putting it on Percy's nose.

Percy smirked, "You wanna play that game huh?"

Percy dipped his finger in the frosting and put it on my nose, cheeks, and forehead.

"Okay, Seaweed Brain . You're On."


Sooner or later, Percy and I were covered in blue frosting. Also, if you add all the gingerbread crumbs.

I laughed, backing away from him.

But, Percy managed to snake an arm around my waist, "Merry Christmas." He whispered before connecting our lips.

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