03 | truth or dare (cringe chapter)

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Truth or Dare pt 1
Annbeths POV
"C'mon please?" Percy begged, giving me his baby seal face.

"You're not going to give up are you?" I laughed. He smiled.


"Fine." I gave in. Percy fist bumped the air and kissed my cheek as we made our way to his cabin

We saw everyone standing infront of his cabin talking. Will had his arm around a blushing Nico, Frank was giving Hazel a piggy back ride, Jason was attacking Piper with small kisses, Chris was talking to tye Stolls while Clarrise was rolling her eyes at Katie. And Leo was frowning at Calypso, who was not very happy.

"There you are!" Hazel grinned, almost Knocking Frank over. Hazel laughed and yelled at everyone that we were here.

Everyone looked our way. "Finally!" Jason said. Piper looked tired.

Percy opened the door to his cabin, revealing a clean bedroom.

"Wow Percy, you actually cleaned." Leo whistled. Percy rolled his eyes while sitting on his bed.

"Why are we here anyways?" Clarrise grumbled. "It's Leo." Percy said.

"Today...drumroll please!" Exclaimed Leo.

Nobody moved.

Leo huffed. "We are playing truth or dare." He said glumly.

"What?!" We all said. Leo grinned. "Yup."

"Stoll you're first!" Leo said pointing to a staring Connor. He shook his head. "What?"

"We're playing truth or dare and it's your turn." Will explained.

"Does it have to be one person?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Nope." Leo grinned.

"Okay, so you seven." Connor said, pointing to me, Percy, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, and Leo. "Have to take turns, girls first, boys second, going outside with only your boxers/whatever you ladies wear underneath." Connor smiled.

My mouth dropped to the floor. "And where will you be?" I asked. Connor's smile grew wider. "In here, chilling."

"Let's do this!" Leo pointed to the door in a superman pose. "You have got to be kidding me." groaned Piper.


We all stood next to eachother, attempting to cover our bodies.

"Don't hide anything girls!" We heard Leo yell as all the boys came to see us.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Piper asked, ignoring Jason's stare.

"Uh, yeah" Leo looked down. "But I'm still looking." He said, his head shooting up.

I saw Percy running to us.

Oh Gods.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

Blood swelled up in my cheeks as I crossed my arms over my chest, looking down.

"I hate you Seaweed Brain." I said, looking at my gray bra and panties.

"Stop covering, you're beautiful." He said, smirking.

"Stop smirking!" I yelled at him as he chuckled.

I looked at everyone else. They were all attempting to cover themselves up but everyone but Frank were trying to talk them out of it.

"I hate this." Murmured Piper. "But you're beautiful." Jason soothed.

But that didn't work on Piper. "You're just saying that." She argued.

"Times up! Boys! Get naked!" Connor yelled from inside Percy's cabin.

"Naked?" Frank asked, bewildered. "Oh, uh oops! Sorry! Half-naked!" Connor corrected.

Oh, this is going to be good.

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