19 | spiders & bathrooms (cringe chapter)

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Third Person
"Percy!" Annabeth shrieked from the bathroom, Percy stood up and ran to the bathroom, "Annabeth, what's wrong?" he yelled through the door.

"Spider!" Annabeth shouted.

Percy nodded to himself, he'd done this many times before, but something made him pause.

Annabeth was in the shower.

"But uh, Annabeth, aren't you..." Percy cleared his throat, "...showering?"

There was a pause, then Percy heard shuffling, "Okay, you can come in!" she yelled back, fear still laced in her voice.

Percy turned the doornob and entered the bathroom, then he saw Annabeth, who was wearing a towel.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, a blush creeping up her face, "Can you just kill the spider already, Seaweed Brain?" she exhaled.

Percy, his face red, grabbed some toilet paper, looked inside the shower and found a spider about the size of three grapes on the floor. He was quick to grab the spider and throw it in the trash. And like he said, he'd done this a million times before.

He looked back at Annabeth who was staring back at him, "Well you can go now!" Annabeth scolded him.

Percy smiled, though before he went he wrapped his arms around Annabeth's waist and kissed her.

Pulling back, he lifted his mouth by her ear, "You look beautiful by the way." he whispered before walking out the door.

Annabeth huffed, "I hate you..." she muttered, making her way back in the shower as Percy closed the door.


hOi, I deleted Hinny one-shots, IM SORRY IF YOU WERE READING IT BTW, I just didn't feel as free writing it as I did Percabeth.

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