09 | visiting - pt. 1 (cringe chapter)

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Percy's POV
I opened my eyes, finding Annbeth in my arms, sleeping peacefully.

I smiled to my eyes and lifted an arm to rub my eyes.

I wrapped the arm around her again and tried to fall asleep.

I closed my eyes, taking in Annabeth's scent. I took another breath and smiled a little.

"Are you smelling me?"

I popped one eye open, "No."

Annabeth flipped over to face me, she raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe."

I kissed her forehead and got up from the bed to go get dressed.

I grabbed a Camp Half-Blood T-Shirt and some shorts, making my way to the shower.

"Seaweed Brain." Annabeth called.

I turned around, seeing her sitting up from my bed in my shirt.


"I love you." She said, giving a small smile.

I walked back to her and gave her long, loving kiss. I broke the kiss smirking, making my way to the shower, again.


"Are you sure Percy?" Annabeth asked me wearily.

"Yes, yup." I answered.

She sighed, "Okay."

Annabeth was going to San Francisco to visit her family, right when she told me, I offered to go with her. I've spent long periods of time without her in the past and was tired of it.

Annabeth leaned up to kiss me, I immediately responded, kissing her back, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Oi! Lovebirds! Get a room!" A voice called from behind us. I turned around, seeing Hazel and Frank holding hands, making their way towards us.

"You guys are going to San Francisco?" Hazel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"How did you guys know?"

"Percy, news passes around here faster that Hermes." Hazel said, laughing a little.

"Okay then." I said, leaning me head on Annebeth's shoulder.

Annabeth jerked her shoulder up, hitting me head.

"Ow! That hurt!" I groaned, rubbing my head, slightly glaring at her.

Annabeth kissed my cheek and started running away, laughing.

I huffed, running after her.

( p_q)

"We shouldn't have done this." I whispered to Annabeth as we lifted off.

"I know." Annabeth whispered back, frowning.

The next 3 hours we spent was me complaining to Annabeth on when we were going to get there.

"Will you shut up already!" Annabeth whispered angrily.

"Hmpf." I said, turninb back to the window, looking out into the ocean.

All of a sudden, the plane shook.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to ask you to fasten your seatbelts, there seems to be a small problem with the engine." The voice of the pilot said through the plane.

I looked back at Annabeth catiously, "You don't think that..." I trailed.

"I-" Annabeth started.

The plane shook again, causing some people to scream.

'Please no' I prayed horribly, hoping it would work.

I felt Annabeth cup my face with her hand and kissed me, hard but slowly, enough for me to tell that she was scared to.

"I would like to ask everyone to grab your liftvests, located under or beside your seat!" The pilot said, souding panicked.

I gave a small breath as the plane started to drop, but the pilots found a way to make it go slower.

"I love you." I said to Annabeth.

Instead of answering Annabeth smiled at me weakly.

Everyone was arguing with flight attendants asking them to calm down.

How the heck could you calm down at a time like this?

The plane hit the water roughly as water started to fill the windows in the plane.

Then, my brain clicked.

I told Annabeth to unfasten her seatbelt, she gave me a look but obeyed.

I stood up but a flight attendant told me to sit down, I didn't listen.

I quickly grabbed our luggages and went to the door where other passengers were getting off to go ontop of the big raft.

Annabeth followed me, not saying a word.

When we slid down and landed on the raft, I looked at Annabeth.

"We need to jump into the water."

I expected her to say something like 'WHAT?' but instead she said "Okay." and sighed.

We were at the edge of the raft and people were looking at us like we were crazy.

Well, you're not wrong.

"Ready?" I asked Annabeth.

She nodded.

And we jumped.

So, I am so sorry for this sucky one-shot. It's probably not even what happens when planes...y'know.

I just wrote what I learned from the little pamphlet that's in the little pocket in front of you in the plane. 😂

Also, sorry for the lack of updating!

Happy New Years?......Merry Christmas......

Yeah nevermind

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