chapter 3

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I walked in the house and I had just got done with my date with Cai and it was 10:12. I quietly walked upstairs trying not to wake anyone and I walked in me and Mike's room.

"Damn Lani you've been out since 7 and you just now getting home? The hell." Me and Cai spent almost another hour at piano house after I broke down and then we went to eat and walk on the beach. I am sick and tired of Mike acting like my daddy. Every since I told him about Cai he's been acting weird. I don't know what's up with him but he needs to fix it. I went and sat beside him on the bed.

"Can you act like my best friend and not my daddy? My daddy name is Wayne Jones not Michelangelo Cohern. Do you think you can do that or is it going to be too hard for you?"

"It's good I got you." I slightly rolled my eyes at him. I swear I couldn't ever stay mad at this boy. Ever. Sometimes he's a complete ass hole but he will make me smile in a matter of minutes when I'm mad at him.

"So we went to this place called Piano House and he taught me how to sing from my heart and my stomach and he started to teach me how to play the piano. Then he told me he could see the pain in my eyes and all that and he wanted me to open up to him so I did and I ended up crying. So then we went to eat at this beautiful restaurant and the food was amazing and then we went to walk on the beach. Like it was surrounded by lights that hit the beach and the moon is full and made it even prettier and we just walked and talked and now I'm back here."

"Did you have fun?" I had got up while I was talking and changed into one of his shirts. Slid it over my head and nodded. I went and layed on his chest and he played with my hair. I looked over at my phone and I saw 'Big Bro' flash across the screen. I had texted Tyler and told him about my date. Me and Tyler are close too. He calls me Lil Lani. I reached over and answered the phone.

"Boy why yo ass calling me so damn late?"

"Cuz I called to see how your date went and I didn't know when you would be home so I waited." I smiled

"Well it went amazing. I'll tell you in detail tomorrow. I'm about to go to sleep. Good night I love you and tell Icy I love her."

"We love you too."

I hung up the phone and saw I had a text from Cai.

Cai: I had fun with you tonight baby girl and remember what I said. Better is to come focus on the present and future and burn the past.

I smiled and locked my phone I text him back tomorrow I layed back down and Mike put his arms around me and I fell asleep.
I woke up to my phone ringing and it was Cai. I immediately smiled and answered.
"Hey baby girl what are you doing today?"
"Um nothing really. Mike has to work today so I'm taking my niece Carman out somewhere. Why?"
"Well how about I go get my niece and we take them to chucky cheese?"
"Okay sure."
"I'll be there in 30 minutes. Bye baby."
"Bye babe."

I jumped out the bed not caring if I woke up Mike and when to wake up Carman.
"Wake up baby. I'm gonna take you to chucky cheese." She looked up and blinked at me.
"Yes baby and if you're not up out the bed and in me and daddy's room in five minutes Auntee is going to come and tickle you."
I walked out of the room and ran her and me a bath. She usually always wants to take a bath with me and I don't know why but it's fine with me. She's just my 1 yr old neice. She'll be two next month. I went back in my room and texted Cai.
Babe I'm wearing this jumpsuit and it has stars on it do you have anything with stars?
Cai: Yes I gotcha.
I went and got up Carman's clothes and we went and took a bath.

We walked in the room and Mike was awake.
"Where y'all going?"

"Chucky cheese!" Cee-Cee yelled.

"That sounds fun who is taking yall?"

"One of Auntee friends." I wiped my hand down my face wishing she wouldn't have said that.

"And who is that?" He asked me.

"Cai." I said plainly.

"Cee-Cee baby run to your room. I'll be in there to say goodbye." He waited for her to walk out. "That lil nigga better not touch my child. I'm not playing Lelani."

He only called me Lelani when he was serious, mad, or irritated.

"Okay Michael. You act like I'm gonna let her get hurt or something. Cai isn't gonna hurt anybody. Quit freaking tripping." And with that I walked out the room and went answered to the door.

"Carmannn!!!!!" I yelled. She ran down stairs. "It's time to go baby." We walked outside and got in Cai's escalade.

"Carman, this is Tahia. Tahia, this is Carman." They both waved at each other and Tahia got a bag and they played with dolls in the back.

"How many cars do you have?"

"About 5 I think."

"You must make some good money. What do you do?"

"I own my own law firm. What about you?"

"I don't have a job yet. I live with my sister Isis and her husband Tyler. Carman is their daughter."

"Why are you with that guy now? Is that Tyler?"

"No. That's my bestfriend Mike. He's Carman's biological father. I'm just staying with him right now while Isis and Tyler are out of town."

"Mike acts like your father." I looked at him puzzled. I wonder how he knew that. He doesn't even know Mike let alone what goes on with us.

"How'd you know that?"

"Yesterday when I came to pick you up he said that if I hurt you then it's my ass and all that." I was a little upset he said something to Cai but deep down I was glad he didn't want anybody to hurt me.

"Well what did you say?"

"I told him not to worry about me and mine and that you're in good hands." I smirked at him.
I opened my mouth to speak and got interrupted by Tahia. I absolutely hate it when I'm talking and some one interrupts me like the didn't hear words coming out my damn mouth but she's only 2 so it whatever I don't care and she's too cute.

"Uncle C can me and Carman go get some candy?"

"Sure." He pulled over at a gas station and we all got out the car. We actually were all matching. We all had stars on and black and white. We went into the store and they went to the bathroom and after they came out we went and got them some candy.

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