Taking Chances.

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Part 1

What do you say to takin' chances?

What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?

Never knowin' if there's solid ground below Or a hand to hold or hell to pay..

What do you say.....

 I'm 1/5 of the boyband The Wanted. I love being in the band, spending each day with your 4 bandmates, friends and even brothers. Max, he's the lead singer of the group, he's the baldie as we like to call him, and is mostly found getting drunk. Tom, is simillar to Max, although he has hair...can often be found having a TomTrum in a corner somewhere. Jay, is the "brains" of the band, he has curly locks and often uses big words to make him look cooler than he actually is. Siva, the Irish one, he's the vainest member of The Wanted and can often be found checking himself out in the mirror. Then there's me, Nathan. I have no idea how to describe myself, I'm the youngest, I'm quite boring really, single? yes. I'm not the kind of boy who can walk straight up to a girl, say hi and I'm in, like Max or Tom can. And i'm not the kind who can say all this romantic stuff and be in either like Siva can.

I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I am constantly amazed by it's sheer power to alter and define our lives, I read somewhere that "love is blind" now I know that is something to be true, for some, love fades, and for others love is simply lost. But then of course, love can be found, even just for the night. And then, there's the cruelest part of love, loving someone who you know does not and never will love you. I've had to deal with that for the past five years of my life, never again. For me, my love is lost, and will never return.

"Nathan!" I heard a voice shout "Get down here!"

I rolled over and checked my phone, 5:30am, I sighed. The early mornings was probably  the worst part of my job. I rolled out of bed, quickly shoved on any t-shirt I could find, and ruffled my hair a bit before I walked downstairs.

All the boys were sat down, they looked dressed?

"What are you doing!?" Big Kev glared at me "We're supposed to be at the Daybreak studios in 7 minutes Nathan!!"

"Oh...I must have forgot.." I said, feeling guilty

"You're always forgetting everything!" Jay snapped at me

I didn't shout back as I knew they were right, I am always forgetting everything. I gave a little smile to the boys and quickly ran upstairs to find decent clothes to wear.


We arrived at the studios, just in the nick of time it seems!

"Ah, you're here!" A guy said as he greeted us, must have been part of the team.

"Well we nearly wasn't" Max said under his breath.

Some fans were stood outside waiting for us, how they could do that I have no idea. I walked over to a group of girls screaming my name and signed a few things and took pictures, before Kev told me it was time to go in.

"I LOVE YOU NATHAN!" one girl screamed

"I love you too!" I said as I walked in, my fans were the only people I loved.

We got our make up done and I was forced to get changed, my tea stained shirt was obviously not their taste...the boys still acted awkward with me, it's not like any of them has never  been late before! What about Max with his hangovers? Or Tom when he's with Kelsey? I could bring out a whole lot of stories, but gotta get through this interview first...

"They're the UK's hottest boyband! Please welcome, The Wanted!"

We all smiled with our fake smiles, not morning people at all! The woman just asked us normal questions, about the single, and life in America.

"It's going great!" Siva said smiling "The Americans are crazy!" Siva laughed

And then she asked the dreaded question I was waiting for..

"So what about girlfriends? Obviously Tom we know you're in a relationship and you Siva"

They nodded

"But what about the rest of you boys?"

"I'm not seeing anyone" Max spoke up "I've not got time for it right now"

"Yeah" Jay laughed "I might just turn gay for Max"

Everyone laughed as they shared a hug

"And what about you Nathan?"

"Erm..well" I had no idea what to say, yes I did have a girlfriend but she decided to one day tell me she didn't love me anymore and left me for my best friend!!! is that good enough!? Nathan just speak, people are looking!  "I'm with Max and Jay" I finally spoke "I'm not really interested in love"

"Ah okay" she replied and started asking more questions, I think I made myself look a fool on national TV. After the interview, we took a short break before we had to go out and perform.

"Sorry for snapping at you earlier" Tom said approaching me "It's not like I've never been late before" he laughed

"Ha, we all know what you're like with Kelsey" I winked

"Shut up!" He said and messed with my hair "Was you alright in that interview?"

"Yeah of course, why do you say that?"

"You just seemed really quiet, especially when you was asked about your love life.."

"Tom, can we just not talk about love for one second" I said "I'm not bothered about girlfriends!"

"okay, okay!" He said backing off and walking towards Max. I must have scared him off a bit, I was just so sick about everyone expecting me to get a girlfriend, to fall in love that easily. Well I'm telling you, it won't happen again, I don't want to fall in love, I don't want to give all my love to someone who doesn't give the same back, I just can't do it, I refuse to do it.

"Nath, it's time to go on" Jay said from a far

"I'm coming" I sighed, I took a quick sip of my tea and ran to where the boys were stood.


After we'd performed, we had to quickly leave the studios so no fans could see us and quickly make our way home. As soon as I got in, I slumped onto the sofa and turned on TV.

"Oh but Love Actually is on the other side!" Nareesha said trying to snatch the remote off me

"No, I don't want lovey dovey crap on" I said

All of a sudden, I felt a pinch from Kelsey as Nareesha took the remote off me and switched it over.

"If you're watching this, I'm leaving!" I said about to get up before Kelsey sat on me

"No you're not!" she grinned. I was forced to watch a film about something I detested the most, love. And to top it all off, I had to watch Tom touch Kelsey in a way I didn't want to see, and Nareesha and Siva kissing like I wasn't there, how the hell did Max and Jay get out of this?

After the film had finished, Max and Jay put on some action film to hopefully lure me in

"Nah you're alright" I said, getting up and making myself some tea and going up to my room. I laid down on my bed, checked through my Twitter and then I must have fallen to sleep.

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