Part 9

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~Nathan's point of view~

I woke up, god my head hurt. I wasn't even in my bed, just sprawled across the sofa, surrounded by 5 or 6 cans of beer. Well, at least that took my mind off things for a bit.

Max entered the room "Oh he's awake..."

"Shut up you" I mumbled "Why did you let me drink that much!?"

Max laughed "I couldn't exactly stop you, you shouted in my face when I tried to grab a can off you!"

"I'm such a mess" I sighed. I slowly got up from the sofa and stared at myself in the mirror, I looked terrible. All because I couldn't have one thing in my life. I know I needed to move on, just forget about her. There's plenty of other women I could have.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Max asked

"Lay in bed all day" I said sitting down and holding my head. My god. It hurt.

The door opened and Jay appeared, looking refreshed. God I hate him.

"Morning! Woah what happened to you?" He said frowning at me

I glared at him. Hangovers are the worse.

"So Nathan. Yesterday I went to the hospital..."

I cut him off "What!? You went to see Eleanor!? Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Because I didn't want to upset you, you would of wanted to come along!"

He was right. It would have upset me.

"Why did you go?" I asked, calmly this time.

"Just to talk to her, she told me some things.."

"Told you what!?" I said standing up

"She's being discharged on Saturday...she told me like she wanted me to be there on Saturday.." He explained

"What? Are you going to go!? If you go I'm coming with you!"

"Nathan, I don't know if that's the best of ideas"

"I don't care! I'm going with you!"

I wanted to talk sense into her, tell her that I'm willing to love her, even though I know she doesn't love me. I still love her and I won't stop until Eleanor knows my true feelings.

We weren't doing much today, Tom came round saying we had a gig at a club later. I was excited for this, we hadn't performed in a while, apart from the TV show on Monday. But I didn't feel like that was my full potential..I let the boys down. I let the fans down.


It was 7:30pm and we was at the club, ready to perform. I felt hyped up for this performance, I heard the crowd and it made me more excited

"Look who's coming around!" Tom said patting me on the back, he's so cheesy.

"Guys it's time to go!" A man said leading us onto the stage, I was starting to feel more nervous as I saw the crowd, come on Nath, you've done bigger gigs than this!

"And here they are it's THE WANTED!!!!!"

All of a sudden the room exploded with screams as we walked onto the stage, we started off with singing Chasing The Sun. It was great to see everyone bouncing up and down screaming, some shouting the lyrics, some dancing and some crying their eyes out - they were a mad bunch!

After we'd sung, we stopped and Max began to talk to the audience for a bit. Just the normal cheesy stuff 'thanks for coming' and 'we love you all!'

"Here's a song you might know!" Max teased. I heard, I Found You playing, here comes the big vocals!

We was half through the second chorus, I began to look through the audience, when I thought I noticed someone I knew, could it be?

"That's when I found you, you, youuuu"

Yes it was who I thought! It was Connor! Touching some other girl up! Why would he be here?

"I found you, you, youuu"

He was such an idiot, how could he do that! All of a sudden, he looked up at me and grinned. I could do nothing but glare at him, then everyone else began to stare at me. Shit. My time to sing.

"I said PEEEEOOOPLE. Were all looking for love tonight.."

I carried on singing, but didn't take an eye of Connor, as he didn't me

"Just when I'd given up, looking for some kind of siiiiiiiign. That's when I found you, you, you"  

Connor seemed to be making his way further up the crowd, coming closer to the stage. I ignored him and carried on singing, I wasn't there for him, I was there for our loyal fans.

The song finished, that was our last song

"Thanks guys! You've been amazing!" Max shouted and we all began to walk off stage, Connor had disappeared. I hope he wasn't going anywhere near Eleanor.


It was 12am and we jumped in the van, taking us to our hotel. It had been a long day, but it was good for me to get out a bit, it cleared my head a lot. The van dropped us off and we made out way out

"Home sweet home" Siva mumbled, all of us was so tired. I missed my proper bed. We took the lift to our floor and began walking when I spotted a figure crouched up against our door?

"Excuse me? Are you alright?" Kev asked. We're used to getting fans following us up to our rooms. We walked closer and could see the figure closer. Was it? No it can't be?

"Eleanor?" I said

She looked up "Yeah" she mumbled "I ran away from hospital, I ran away from Connor"

I couldn't believe it.


We took Eleanor inside and gave her some water, she looked a fright. But I was so glad she came here, she was safe here. The boys had gone to the pub, so it was just the two of us.

I sat beside her "Are you alright?"

She nodded, I began to move her hair out of her face, but she stopped me and did it herself, well this wasn't normal? I put my arm around her, but she pulled away.

"What are you doing!?" She shouted


"What, you assume just because I'm not with Connor anymore, I'm yours? Well I'm not!"

I stared at her, not knowing what to say.

"You think you can say all this crap to me and I'll fall into your arms!? Well I won't! I'm not interested in a relationship with you Nathan! I don't love you, and the sooner you realise that the better."

I froze, I felt the lump inside my throat. How could she say that? After everything I've done for her, I thought she loved me.

Eleanor sat down, far away from me. Maybe she was just angry? I perhaps shouldn't pressure her into anything.

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door.

"Nathan!" The voice shouted "Open up! I know you're in here!"

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