Part 20

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-Eleanor's Point Of View-

"Stop it!" I shouted at Harveen

She kept pinching my legs in the water, pretending to be some kind of creature from the sea.

"You're so easy to wind up!" she laughed

I splashed her with some water, she didn't look too impressed.

"Now that's not funny!" she laughed

"Aw" I said noticing Nathan and Jay looking over at us "I reckon Jay's got a little crush on you!"

"What? No! He can't have!"

"Oh come on! He's always staring at you! You can't deny it!"

She shrugged then changed the subject "Where do you wanna go for lunch?"

"Don't try to change the subject!!" I laughed "Actually, I do want to ask you something"

"Go ahead." She said throwing water on her face.

"What did you mean earlier? About Lucy?"

She stopped "What do you mean?"

"When you said 'if I knew what she'd done' what has she done?"

"I don't know, it was just a figure of speech"

I knew she was lying.

"You do know! Come on! You can tell me, is it bad?"

She shrugged


"I don't know how to tell you this." She began "But always remember, I'm here for you.."

I was really starting to worry

"What's happened?" I asked nervously.

"GOTCHA!" We were interrupted by Jay splashing us.

"You got it in my mouth you spanner!" Harveen laughed

"Ooh, do you want me to get it out of there?" he winked - ew.

"Are you alright Eleanor?" Jay asked

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I stuttered. Something was wrong and I needed to find out what it was.

"I'm gonna go dry myself off" I finally said after being deep in thought.

Nathan was sat like a little boy on the towel, watching my every move.

"You're a bit wet" he laughed

I gently hit him on the nose "I'll throw you in there in a minute"

He laughed and made room for me, so I could sit down.

"Look at those two in there! Talk about flirting!" he laughed

"I think it's cute" I replied "something's wrong with Harveen"

His face dropped "oh, what is it?"

"If I knew that then I wouldn't be telling you, would I?"

He started at me blankly. "Maybe she's just tired"

"It's something to do with that Lucy girl"

"Lucy? No it can't be"

"Do you know what it is?" I asked

"Nope. Not a clue"

I may have only met him a month ago but I could tell he was lying. I needed to get to the bottom of this.

"Maybe we should ask Lucy?" I suggested

"No! No. That's not a good idea"

"Why isn't it?"

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