Part 13

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I woke up to find Tom still sprawled across the floor..I don't think he even moved through the night...

I felt refreshed as I'd had a good nights sleep, as for the others, well we shall have to see..

I got up and nicely kicked Tom to wake him, he jumped a little but opened his eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, barely opening his eyes

"I slept here, hope you don't mind"

He shook his head "No, that's okay"

I decided to go and check on Eleanor, to see if she was up, I opened up my door, she wasn't asleep, but in the shower, singing...

"Whatever the weather we gon' be better together, so what's up babe? What about us?"

She actually had a good voice! Nothing like how she was on the video shoot! But she seemed happy!

She appeared out of the bathroom "Oh shoot!" She said quickly covering herself up "I didn't know you were here.."

"That's alright, I want to use the shower anyway!"

She smiled, but then gave me a strange look

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I think I had a dream about you last night.."

"You did? Oh" no it wasn't a dream, not at all. It did actually happen.

"Yes...anyway, how come you didn't sleep here last night?"

"Oh, um Tom's bed was I thought I'd jump at the chance of sleeping in it.." I laughed, trying to cover it up

She smiled "Aren't you going in the shower?"

"Yes! Yes, I am" I said and walked into the bathroom, watching her as I shut the door. She obviously had no clue what she tried to do last night, I wasn't going to tell her either, it would embarrass her! In my mind, I have thought many times about being with her and having a special connection, but I still believe that was the right thing to do, she would have thanked me if she knew!

After my shower, I went downstairs to join the others at breakfast

"Morninnnn!" I said, very cheery

They all looked like zombies, so hungover

"I'm never drinking again" Siva said grasping onto his head

"I wouldn't go that far" Tom laughed

"Tom tells me you slept in his room..." Said Max

"Yeah, I wanted to sleep in a bed...I was tired.." Max wouldn't have believed me anyway "I'm gonna get some tea!"

I walked to the kitchen and just stared out the window, I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday, did I miss my chance? My thoughts were disturbed by Max joining me and shutting the door

"What's happened?" He asked "What's the real reason you slept there?"

"Eleanor...she tried to, you know"

"Tried to have sex?"

"Well, no, yeah, I don't know really! She jut pulled me down and started kissing me"

"Definitely sex..." He laughed "Why didn't you?"

"Because she was drunk! I didn't want to take advantage! And I didn't want to do it, knowing that it would mean nothing to her as she wouldn't remember the next day!"

He stared at me for a while "You really care for her don't you?"

I nodded "Yes I do, I have lots of respect for her too"

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