Part 16

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-Nathan's Point Of View-

We'd arrived at the airport, gone through customs and now waiting for our gate to open to board the plane.

"Where's Jay gone?" Max asked

"He needed to sort something out with the tickets" Siva said without taking his eyes off his phone "Apparently he's sat on the other side of the plane!"

"That's not a bad thing" I laughed

"Do you think the plane will leave without him?" Tom asked

"You idiot! It's not like a bus y'know!" Max laughed

Tom made me laugh, the scary part was that he was actually serious! I don't know what he'd do without us!

Jay finally returned

"They didn't let me swap tickets!" He sighed "Someone else is already sitting with you Nath"

"Fantastic!" I said sarcastically, I really didn't want to sit next to complete strangers! The last time that happened I was placed next to an old couple who pratically had to shout to communicate to one another!

"You'll be in front of us though, at least" 

"Hey! What about me!" Jay said, nearly jumping

"Yeah, we're not really bothered about you" Max laughed

The gates began to open, and we were able to queue for another

hour before we could probably board! That sucks! 

"Should we play 'eye spy'? y'know, to pass time?" Tom suggested

"How old are you?" I laughed, although Tom is the oldest, he's probably the most immaturist as I'm the youngest but most likely the most mature.

I was wrong, the line was actually moving rather quickly! We were only stood there for around 2 minutes before we reached the staff to give our tickets to. She ripped off part of my ticket and just gave me the smaller bit, what a waste of paper. I waited for Jay as he was behind me, we began walking to the plane.

"So why did you take so long in getting your ticket?" I asked "Was you chatting up a girl?" I winked

" something like that"

"So what happened?"

"Nothing alright!" He snapped, jesus, I'm glad he's sat far away from me!

I boarded the plane, showed my tiny bit of paper to the air hostess, she smiled and guided me to where I was sitting, yeah I think I know where to go! I spend most of my life on these things!

"I'm having the window seat!!!!" Tom said running to his seat. Max and Siva walked slowly behind, staring at Tom like he was their child. 

"Aw, did you bring some sweets for him?" I laughed

"Shut up Nath!" Tom said, not taking his eye from the window, I don't know what was s fasinating to look at, we hadn't even took off yet.

I sat down by the window, my "friends" for the journey hadn't arrived yet, maybe they wasn't coming at all? I hope! I'm not a very talkative person at the moment. 

It looked like we were gonna be here for a while, so I took out my phone and tweeted a few fans, might as well while I still can!"

"Hi I think I'm sat with you?"

I looked up to see a young girl, around my age, with long brown hair.

"Well if you're 21B then probably!"

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