Part 12

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We were sat in the living room, doing nothing. We'd finished breakfast and was just watching morning TV.

"Any plans today?" Jay asked, I did wonder if we was playing any gigs.

"Nope" Max replied "We've got the day off, but, next week, we've got to fly over to L.A"

"You make it sound like a chore!" Eleanor laughed

"Well, when you get to know these boys, you'll understand that it is" he winked back

We had literally nothing to do all day. Just sit round and be lazy...

"We could go to the fair?" Tom suggested "It's open all day!"

"Yes! Let's!" Eleanor said excitedly "Can I bring along Harveen?"

"Course you can" I smiled at her


We picked Harveen up from her house, she seemed so scared of us all and hardly spoke

"So how are you?" Tom asked her

Her eyes shot up, she didn't even blink

"I'm.....g-great" she stuttered, Eleanor had told me she had a thing for Tom, I have no idea why either..

Eleanor seemed awkward with me, she wouldn't come anywhere near me and when I spoke to her, she seemed eager to end the conversation, what had I done?

We pulled up to the fairground, it was huge! A huge Ferris wheel stood in the middle of the grounds, with colours such as pink and blue exploding out of it. This was going to be a fun day!

"What should we go on first?" I asked

"Ghost train!" Jay said, he was like a child.

"No!" Eleanor said "I hate those!"

"Don't be such a baby Eleanor!" Harveen laughed, whilst poking her

After a lot of convincing, Eleanor finally decided to come on the ghost train with us. I sat in a cart with Eleanor and Jay, Eleanor in the middle shaking like crazy!

The cart began to move, I could feel Eleanor shaking without touching her, I'm guessing she didn't really like ghost trains! The first room we entered was completely black. I couldn't see hardly anything, just the figures of everyone. Things continuously jumped out at us and Eleanor screamed. A lot. I was pretty scared, but I didn't want to show I was, I wanted to look brave.

The second room, was again dark, but this time had some sort of green light shining onto us

"I don't like this" Eleanor whispered

"It's okay" Jay said putting his arm around her, she buried her face into his chest and stayed there throughout the whole ride. Am I not good enough!?

After the ride had finished, Eleanor lifted herself from Jay and he helped her out of the cart, she walked over to Harveen and Jay waited to help me out

"Um...sorry" he said, holding his hand out so I could grab it

"Just leave it" I said, I was a little angry, more jealous that she didn't trust me, and bury her head in my chest. I guess I just wanted her all to myself, even though she's not mine.

As the day went on, we carried on going on other rides. We went on the Ferris wheel and Max kept rocking our box. Eleanor was not impressed. We all attempted hook a duck and all pretty much failed at it! Tom won a teddy bear though, which he gave to Harveen who seemed very happy about that...

We went on the Waltzers, where we were spun very fast! Eleanor looked like she was going to throw up! To be honest I felt like I was going to, the guy was insane! Does he not like us?

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