Part 11

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We'd finally returned home! I'd missed it a lot!

"Home sweet home!" Tom grinned and then collapsed onto the sofa, what a lazy sod.

"I can't wait to sleep in my own bed!" Jay said running up the stairs, leaving his bags behind. Eleanor didn't say much, she just looked around the room.

"You alright?" I asked her

"Yeah" She replied "It's just weird, moving into somewhere else..again.."

"It's different here, you're safe. And now you've got to live with 5 boys! Aren't you lucky!"

She smiled "But where will I sleep?"

She had a point. We hadn't planned this at all

" can sleep in my room if you want?"

The boys looked up and grinned

"And where will you sleep?" She asked

" my room, but I'll go on the floor, you can have my bed"

She smiled "Thank you Nathan" followed by her skipping off to join Tom watching TV.

"Oooh I wonder what you'll get up to in there" Siva grinned at me, him and Max were in hysterics.


It was 11pm, and we all decided to go up to bed, it had been a long day..

"My room's just in the corner" I said directing Eleanor, she walked off in front, I stopped to speak to the boys

"Night Seev" I said as he passed me, he nodded and shut his door on me, charming. Followed by Max walking upstairs

"Night" I said, walking to my room

"Night" He replied "Oh and if you need any protection.."

"Shut up!" I scoffed and walked straight into my room and shut the door.

Eleanor was stood in the middle of my room, doing nothing. Just looking around at the walls

"You can sit down you know.." I said, pointing at my bed

"Sorry, I just felt rude"

"Well don't! You live here now, and this is your room"

She smiled "I'm just going to use the bathroom"

She was in the bathroom for quite a while, I gathered she was using the shower. I wasted no time and quickly changed into my PJ's and rolled out my sleeping bag, it wasn't going to be comfortable at all, but I wasn't making Eleanor sleep in it, she deserves better after what she's been through. I laid down in the bag and zipped myself up, comfortable! After a few minutes had passed, Eleanor walked through and started walking very slowly, she must of thought I was asleep.

"I'm awake you know" I said, not moving from the position I was in

"Oh" She laughed "Now I feel like an idiot!"

"You're not, and you could never be one!"

She smiled as she laid down "Good night"

"Good night" I replied. I laid down thinking for a while, I couldn't really sleep, I could hear Eleanor moving in bed, god she fidgeted a lot! Then I must have fallen into a deep sleep...


"Nathan!" I was woke by somebody shaking me, Eleanor

"What's wrong?" I said, sitting up

"I can't sleep, I keep having nightmares!"

She looked really upset "Hey, It's alright, I'm here" I said pulling her into a hug

"Will you sit with me for a bit?" She asked

"Of course!"

She got up and moved on my bed "Sit up here, please?"

I nodded and moved next to her, like she wanted. She laid down in her bed and just watched me

"You can lay down you know...if you want"

I did want to, but I didn't know if that would make things awkward, but anyway, I did what I was told and laid down next to her, she came closer to me and leant her head on my shoulder.

"I keep thinking that Connor will come back and get me" She said

"Hey, that will never happen. You're here, you're safe with us, I would never let him hurt you again, you're too important"

Her eyes shot up to look at me, she looked at me for a while, before she slowly moved in and started to kiss me, she put her arms around my neck as she did, mine around her waist. It was perfect. All of a sudden, she moved so I fell down, dragging her down with me, where she continued to kiss me and slowly started to remove my shirt. I removed her top, and began kissing her stomach, downwards, she shivered a little as I did it, but never told me to stop. She moved down further, removing my trousers whilst I removed hers and then she went to my boxers.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked

"Of course" She said, continuing to kiss me

I took control and moved her so I was on top, I kissed her neck and was just about to finish the job, when she pulled back

"Nathan" Was all she said, all of a sudden everything went black....

"Nathan!" Someone was shaking me, I woke up to find Eleanor at my side, with clothes on. Damn, it was just a dream.

"What's wrong? Nightmares?" I asked

"Yes. Exactly that!" She said, she looked scared, the same scared in my dream.

"It's alright, I'm here" I said, pulling her in for a tight hug, man that dream did me no good, just being with her made me rather horny. No control yourself Nathan.

"Will you sit with me for a bit?" She asked

"Yeah sure, on my bed?"

", that would be a bit weird, just down here is fine"

Maybe this wasn't going in the same direction as my dream. Damn. Eleanor sat beside me and leant her head on my chest, as I gentley stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry for waking you, you looked so peaceful in your sleep"

"That's because I was having a good dream" I said

"Really? What was it about?" She asked, looking up at me

"Just...that I by huge cups of tea" I laughed, trying to cover it up

"That sounds...great!" She said, well I couldn't tell her the truth could I?

After a while, Eleanor fell asleep, she looked so peaceful and beautiful. I carried her up to my bed and kissed her on the forehead

"Good night beautiful"

I then laid back in my sleeping bag and tried to sleep myself, thinking back to my dream.


I woke up at around 8am, I rolled over, Eleanor wasn't there. I shot up and looked in my bathroom, nope. Maybe she was downstairs. I quickly had a shower, made my hair look decent - ish and stuck on any clothes I could find. I was right, Eleanor was downstairs, she was laughing with Max as he tried his dad jokes on her, oh god help us.

"Morning!" Max said smiling at me "Have a good night?" He asked

"Yeah, just a little tired now" I replied

"I'm sorry" Eleanor said, she turned to Max "I had him up half the night" she then grabbed her orange juice and made her way into the living room.

"Had you up all night doing what?" Max asked

"Not what you're thinking! She couldn't sleep, so I sat with her for a while"

"Oh because when she said she had you 'up' all night, I thought she meant something else was up, if you know what I mean.."

"Shut up!" I said, slapping his head. I made myself some breakfast and then walked into the living room to join the others.

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