chapter twenty three

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"When you guys have stop being cute, we have to go M&G's before the Halloween show?" I heard pattie should through the door. I groaned turning over to wake Justin up. I nudged him about 10 times an he still didn't move. "justin if you don't get up I'm gonna tip water all over you..." Thing is, I wasn't joking. He just layed there, fast asleep, still after my threat. I walked into the bathroom, grabbed the jug, filling it up with ice old water, oh god he's gonna hate me for this. But before I did anything, I grabbed Fredo from outside just to make sure he filmed it. "Go.." Fredo whispered, pressing record. Then I crawled over to him, and tipped the water over him. He shot up straight away looking in my direction. Me and Fredo in fits of histereics. "You think that's funny baby?" He cocked his head to one side. "Awh... Is Justin all wet? Maybe you should get out of bed when your girlfriend tells you too..." He turned to Fredo and gave him the death glare. "Ur.. Basically, we need to go because, you have... Well.., we have meet and greats in like.... An hour... So... Yeh... " he turned back to me, looking serious as fuck which kinda scared me. "Justin?" He burst out laughing. "Okay... Haha okay let me go for a shower first.." Fredo gave me a weird look before leaving. "Justin.... Can I join you?" He turned around looking confused, "you've never wanted to do that though..." He cocked his eyebrow to one side. I chuckled. "I know but... Why not? It will be quicker." He smirked at the idea, suddenly he picked me up bridal style before stripping me down. At first, I felt really self conscious but then, Justin made it better. His eyes burned my skin as he looked me up and down. "You just gonna stare with your mouth open or what?" He chuckled.

Having a shower with Justin was... Well... Amazing. We got out and just managed to get changed before Scooter barged through the door. "C'mon guys... 10

Minuets." Shit. I ran into the bathroom, quickly speeding my make up and hair. M&G's were a big thing for me. I meet my fans and tell them their pretty. And I have to make myself look presentable. As we arrived me and Justin got pulled aside. I looked over to the other side of then room to see Selena standing there. Wait... Selena? "Selena? What the fu--." 

"Hey guys Urm.. Scooter invited me to the party later? After the show.. Hope you don't mind..." I was just about to say no when Justin butted in. "Yeh sure, c'mon baby we gotta go." I nodded. 

"Hey sweetie wanna come through?" I asked this nervous like fan who had been crying. "Hey, don't cry, smile okay?" She nodded. "Hey how about, you go on my back yeh?" She looked abit worried. 

"Urm... But I'm heavy.." I chuckled. "I bet your not, your skinnier than me.. C'mon.." She chuckled as I put her on my back. "Say cheese.." We took the photo, and that's when I needed a moment. "Guys give me a moment. Sweetie come here?" She tuned around looking even worse than before. I lifted up both of her wrists, kissing them before putting them down. I stuck out my pinky and said. "Beautiful, you pinky promise me you won't ever hurt yourself again? Okay. Because, I hate seeing my fans hurt themselves I really do... They shouldn't have the need to. So you promise me ?" Tears streamed down mine and her face. "I promise.." I gave her a hug before letting her go. Halloween party soon yay. 

After the show we all made our way bak to the hotel. Well isn't this gona be fun. 


Halloween party, finally. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Literally, I don't think I saw Rylie all night. She's been in the kitchen with Scooter and Fredo. She's probably staying away from Selena who seems to be all over me. Arg. I'm just gonna get shit faced. "Wanna do some shots?" Selena nodded. We got up and took some shots before turning to the dance floor. I felt so good right now. Nothing can change it. Selena started grinding against me, slowly. She can't do that possibly? What if Rylie saw? Oh well, ill just say we were drunk right? Yeh. I joined in until I turned to the door near the kitchen. I saw Rylie, tears falling from her eyes. She shook her head before heading for our room. I was gonna go after her but, looks like Chaz and Fredo beat me to it. To be honest I couldn't care right now. Next thing I know I got pulled in a room with someone. And everything went black. 

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