Chapter Sixty Eight

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I fluttered my eyes open. I rolled over but Justin wasn't beside me. What? I sighed and chucked some underwear on, and one of Justin's jumpers. Because they're always down to me knees. I managed to make my way downstairs. Still sore from the events earlier this morning. I walked into the from room to find Fredo sniggering to himself. "Something funny?" I sang. "Sure you guys were loud enough?" He chuckled. I blushed slightly. "Oh Justin! Oh, my god!" I picked up a pillow and chucked it at him. "Shut up!" I whined. He put his hands up in surrender. "Where's Justin anyway?" I asked realising why I came down. "Oh he went to the studio with Scooter... I think it's about a new Tour but Justin doesn't know yet..." Oh right. Wow thanks Justin for leaving a note. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I was pretty hungry to be honest. I grabbed the waffles and covered them in syrup. "Mmm..." I made my way into the from room again and sat at the table. "Dude can we watch something other than bay watch? Yeh there's pretty girls but... Arg.." I gave up he wasn't listening. I jumped over Fredo and grabbed the remote. "Hmm Jeremy Kyle..." I turned it on and finished eating. I honestly wonder why they're getting Justin to do a new Tour. "Honey I'm home!" Since when did Justin say that? "Oh Justin!" I heard Fredo whine. I feel really sorry for the girl who ends up with him. I chuckled to myself and walked into the living room. Justin tackled Fredo to the floor holding his hands behind his back. "Oh hey Rylie..." Justin managed to say. "Ur Justin?" He stopped what he was doing, jumped up and kissed me. "I'm taking you out tonight, we've got things to discuss..." He sang before running upstairs. I swear he acts like a kid sometimes.

*when he left*
I made my way downto the studio. To be honest I have no idea why Scooter wants me here. I walked in to see Scooter sat by himself. "Aye what's up buddy?" I chirped as I sat beside him. Yeh this is what we do. We fight, then brush it off like it was nothing. "Right, new Tour, starts next week okay?" I nodded. But why so soon? "Who's our opening acts?" Please say Rylie please say Rylie. "Urm.. Rylie obviously, she will be the opening act as long as your together... And the other... One direction... Look I know you've had a fall out with Zayn but just ignore him yeh?" I nodded. I honestly don't want him near Rylie. Not after last time. I mean he practically tried to drag her away from me. He ain't right in the head I swear. "So what else did you wanna talk about?" I knew he wanted to talk about something, I just didn't know what. "Oh Urm... I'm sorry about the past few months, I've been a dick... But, if you wanna have a family, go ahead.. But plan it next time okay?" He nudged me. Wow, okay this is a new Scooter. "Cheers bud.." I gave him a brotherly hug before heading out. "Oh and Justin! Take Rylie out tonight, show everyone your still alive.." He chuckled. Okay, so go home, take her out... Tell her the news. Oh fuck. She won't go. I can tell. What if she flips in the middle of the resteraunt? 

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