chapter seventy one

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I honestly can't wait to get that Perrie out of my way. Honestly who does she think she is? The only problem is she's gonna want to visit Zayn right? Which means she's gonna come back.  After my 'little' outburst I made my way to the tour bus, we had a long journey up to Bristol. Fortunately, Perrie has to stay on the dancers bus, which means she won't be on the same bus as us. Thank god! But, it'll be awkward because of Zayn. I mean, he must hate me right? I just had a go at his girlfriend. But what surprises me is that, he lets her do this. Its like he has no respect what so ever for himself. Which isn't the Zayn I knew. I was sat on the sofa, reading some fan book one of Justin's fans rote. Like a fanfic? To be fair, it was pretty amazing. Everyone was in their rooms unpacking. Me being the only girl on this bus and being the most organised, managed to get hers done first. Woop! So I curled myself up and started to read it. I was really getting into the book when I felt eyes staring at me. I bookmarked my page and looked up. Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall were standing there. 

"Well, you gonna speak or just stare at me?" I chuckled. Niall seemed upset, Louis wasn't his bubbly self, and Harry wasn't acting right. 

"We need to talk.. About Zayn.." Liam spoke up whispering the last bit. 

"Look, I'm not getting involved, he tried to split me and Justin up before, what makes you think he wont do it again?" I scoffed, attempting to stand up. Harry walked over and sat me down again. 

"Look, he hasn't been... Himself since the argument. We use to hear him cry at night, he just wants his friend back.. We all do." Harry looked into my eyes for some sort of sign that I'll do it. I kinda feel bad. Maybe I could knock some sense into him about that Perrie bitch. 

"Ill do it.. I need to talk to him about his respect towards himself, I mean, he let Perrie flirt with Justin.. Without even saying anything.." As soon as that slipped they all looked down. 

"What?" I was hoping I didn't say anything wrong. 

"Zayn.... He... He doesn't care anymore... We just want him back Rylie.." Niall chocked out. I sighed and stood up. 

"Ill go talk to him.." I walked into my room first to let Justin know I was helping them out. 

"Babe, if he tries anything I swear..." I cut him off. 

"He wont okay? He learnt from last time... Chill." I kissed his cheek and made my way to Zayn's room. I knocked on the door waiting for a reply. 

"Who is it?" he chocked out. 

"Guess..." I smirked, I heard some shuffling then the door clicked. I walked in to see him laying there. His eyes were puffy and red.

"Oh Zayn..." I breathed out. I walked over and sat beside him. 

"How long have you felt like this?" Personaly? I was scared of the answer. Knowing I caused this pain.

"Since... Since I tried to take you away... I'm... Really sorry I didn't mean to...I just... Can we drop it an start again?" He asked. I bit my lip as I thought. What if he tries it again? What if he just uses me? I promised the boys I'd do it.

"Sure.. But... I need to talk to you about... Respect towards yourself." As soon as I said respect, his whole body tensed. 

"Listen, you can't let people like Perrie walk all over you.. Your worth so much more than that okay? So, go find someone who really loves you for who you are.. Its about time the boys got the old Zayn back..." I walked out, giving him time to think.

"You done it?" I turned around to see them all staring at me once again.

"Yep..." I mumbled before walking to my room. What a day.

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