chapter thirty two

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I slumped on the sofa, still holding the note in my hand. Who would do such a sick thing? Why does he want her? "Justin, what are we gonna do?" Fredo slummed beside me. Thing is, Chaz doesn't know, and he's like a brother to her. I was just about to ring him when he ran through the door. "What's up guys?" He smiled, which soon faded as he looked round the room. "Where's Rylie?" His voice shaken. I handed him the note which he screwed up. "Justin you gotta think quick, we've gotta be in Germany tomorrow morning.." I heard Scooter. I can't leave tonight? I just can't. I'm not leaving until I find her.  "We postpone the tour dates, just until we find her.." Everyone looked in my direction as though I just shot someone. "We can't do that.." 

"YES WE CAN"I shouted. I refuse to do another show while she's out there with that monster. I need people out there, looking for her. We need to find her. Tears started falling down my face. "Chaz, go downstairs and get the papz to help, Fredo call the police, Scooter tweet something about this whole thing, he can't hide forever.." I orderd. They all nodded, knowing that whatever they said I would still do it. I just want her back, I want her back in my arms, calling me baby, making sure I'm okay. I need her... I turned on the TV to see if anything was on. "Breaking news! Former singer and girlfriend of Justin Bieber has gone missing, it seems the singer was kidnapped by Bieber's friend Twist... Bieber asks 'Please find my baby girl...'" Wow, news travels fast. I just don't get why he's done that? "Don't worry dude, we'll find her.." Fredi said, walking back in. "And if we don't?" I chocked, running my hands through my hair in frustration. "Twist can't hide forever, everyone knows who he is now..." He sighed, patting my back, I shook my head. "I should be out there! I should be looking! I should know where she is!" I said raising my voice. I stood up and grabbed my keys making my way to the car. I need to find her.

After driving around  for about 12  hours I finally made my way back to the hotel. Everyone sitting there paitently. "Justin.." Mum breathed, running towards me. I was too weak to speak to anyone. She wiped away the tears that had already fallen, just to be replaced with new ones. "Justin speak to me..." She whispered, sitting me down. I just froze, I couldn't feel anything, say anything, do anything. "The police are out there, everyone is... There's nothing more we can do..." Scooter said. I finally found my voice and jumped up. "But... WE SHOULD BE OUT THERE! I SHOULD BE THE ONE SEARCHING NOT THEM!"I screamed, clenching my fists. "We'll search in the morning..." Chaz said walking down the hall. I sighed and headed for my room. The room that was full of her clothes everywhere. Nothing has been moved. I picked up her suit case and started to pack her stuff, just so then if she comes back? She doesn't have to do it anymore.  I need her.

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Where stories live. Discover now